Construction crew working on a spiral staircase.

Construction Projects

We appreciate your support as we repair and upgrade the systems that serve you every day.

We maintain a complex system that provides water, power, and sewer service to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your rates fund these critical services as well as system upgrades and maintenance that are necessary to keep our system reliable and efficient. We know construction projects have a big impact on those who live and work nearby, and we do our best to work quickly and efficiently so that projects are completed as soon as possible. Thank you for your support.

Construction Project List

Can't find any information about the work on your street?

How do you know?

  • Look for any information posted on A-frames in and around the work area.
  • Call the listed number and reference the permit number.
  • Ask to speak with the job site foreman.
  • Check the schedule of planned night work.
  • Send a message to


If you are experiencing a water, power, or sewer emergency or service problem call our 24-hour hotline at 3-1-1 or log on at

Construction Project Map

Use this map to learn more about the planned water, wastewater, and power construction projects near you and what to expect during repairs or improvements. You can also see a listing of projects below the map.