What the New Headworks Project Does
80% of San Francisco’s combined storm and wastewater is handled at the Southeast Treatment Plant every year and the Headworks Facility at the Southeast Treatment Plant in the Bayview plays a vital role by removing trash and debris at the beginning of the treatment process. Wastewater then flows through tanks that allow grit, like sand, to settle. When complete, the New Headworks Facility will better protect downstream equipment to make the entire system more efficient.
Being a good neighbor also means maximizing control of odors! The Southeast Treatment Plant was built in 1952 and was not originally designed to control odors. A major component of the New Headworks Facility includes a state-of-the-art system to minimize odors using advanced odor control equipment. Click on the video (see right) to learn more about how this project enhances odor control.
Additionally, the New Headworks Project includes a newly completed art wall titled Whorl Whirl: Our Circular Nature by the noted artist Norie Sato which draws inspiration from resource recovery processes and infrastructure at the Southeast Treatment Plant. The 335-feet long and 35-feet high artwork installation runs along the north perimeter of the New Headworks facility on Evans Avenue between Rankin and Quint streets. Click on the picture and read more about the artist (see right for both) to learn more.

Project Benefits
This project will provide significant operational functional improvements to this critical facility:
- Increase efficiency of treatment processes and protect downstream equipment
- Improve the ability for these critical facilities to withstand a 7.8 earthquake on the San Andres Fault
- Ensure these critical facilities can prepare for the possibility of expected sea level rise of 36 inches by 2100
- Continue to protect public health and the environment
- Minimize odors using advanced odor control equipment
- Improve operational reliability and flexibility
Funding for this project has been provided in full or in part through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board. California's Clean Water State Revolving Fund is capitalized through a variety of funding sources, including grants from the United States Environmental Protection Agency and state bond proceeds. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the foregoing, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.

Work continued on the New Headworks Project in 2024 and the facility was placed in-service on August 5, 2024. As of January 7, 2025, the New Headworks has processed approximately 9 billion gallons of combined storm and sewer water flows.
2024 also saw the completion of the new public art wall titled Whorl Whirl: Our Circular Nature by the noted artist Nore Sato. The 335-feet long and 35-feet high artwork installation - which draws inspiration from resource recovery processes and infrastructure at the Southeast Treatment Plan - runs along the north perimeter of the New Headworks Facility on Evans Avenue between Rankin and Quint streets.
Work continues in 2025 on distributed control system testing, Evans streetscape restoration, Southeast Influent Pumping, fire alarm testing, and completing work on elevators inside the facility.
The New Headworks Project is anticipated to reach final completion in June 2025.
Visit the Southeast Treatment Plant Construction page for updates.
Office Hours and Contact Information
We want to hear from you. Use any of the below methods to connect with our team!
Construction Hotline: (415) 551-4737; after hours call 3-1-1
Email: ssip@sfwater.org