Power Outages
Upcoming Planned Power Outages for Hetch Hetchy Power Customers
Planned Power Outages: Sunnydale HOPE SF
March 19 from 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. & March 21 from 7:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.: The planned power outages will affect residents of 1491 Sunnydale Ave., 270 Malosi St., 290 Malosi St., and 242 Hahn St. The planned power outages are needed so the SFPUC can bring new buildings onto permanent power.
March 21 from 7:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. & March 26 from 7:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.: The planned power outages will affect Sunnydale HOPE SF's Community Center. The planned power outages are needed due to temporary construction.
Planned Power Outage: Treasure Island
March 25 from 2:00 A.M. to 4:00 A.M.: This planned power outage will affect residents of 1 Bristol Ct., 39 Bruton St., 77Bruton St., 78 Johnson St., and 55 Cravath St. The planned power outage is needed due to temporary construction.
Hetch Hetchy Power customers can check our service alerts page or Nextdoor by neighborhood for unplanned service interruptions.
Planned Power Outages
Scheduled Maintenance/Construction
Planned power outages can occur in San Francisco due to construction or maintenance performed by PG&E or the SFPUC. These planned power outages are designed to ensure safety during maintenance and construction. Hetch Hetchy Power customers will be notified at least two weeks in advance of planned power outages.

You can prepare for a planned power outage by:
- Charging cell phones and other electronic devices in advance.
- Keeping refrigerators closed and sealed to prevent food from spoiling.
- Unplugging sensitive electronic equipment, such as TVs or computers.
- Having flashlights and batteries in an easily accessible location.
- Avoiding use of a backup generator during the outage. It is potentially hazardous to your home and to electrical workers working nearby.
Unplanned Power Outages
Unplanned power outages can occur for a variety of reasons from extreme weather events to equipment issues. Whatever the reason, it is important to be emergency-ready. Understanding the different power outage events and knowing how to prepare can help you stay safe and comfortable.
- To report a power outage impacting your neighborhood, contact 3-1-1.
- PG&E owns and operates most of the electric grid in San Francisco. If you are currently experiencing a service interruption in San Francisco, check PG&E’s outage map.
- To receive alerts and instructions during power outages and other emergencies, text your zip code to 888-777 or visit www.alertsf.org.
- Hetch Hetchy Power customers can check our service alerts page or Nextdoor by neighborhood for unplanned service interruptions.
Stay safe during power outages by:
- Keeping refrigerator and freezer doors closed to maintain food temperature.
- Unplugging sensitive electronics to protect them from power surges when the power is restored.
- Storing flashlights and batteries in an easily accessible location.
- Being prepared with backup power if you depend on electrically powered medical equipment.
- Treating intersections with non-functioning traffic lights as all-way stops.
Other Types of Outages
Flex Alerts
A flex alert is a request for customers to voluntarily conserve electricity during periods of high demand, typically from 4 pm to 9 pm. These alerts are issued by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) which oversees California’s electric grid. Typically, Flex Alerts are issued during heatwaves when electricity use (think air conditioners) is high. You can sign up to receive Flex Alert notifications from California ISO.

You can help prevent black outs during major heat events by:
- Setting air conditioning thermostats to 78 degrees, if health permits.
- Pausing use of major appliances, like dishwashers and washing machines.
- Turning off unnecessary lights.
- Unplugging unused electricity devices.
- Closing blinds and drapes.
Rotating Blackouts
Rotating blackouts can occur when there is not enough energy to meet the high amounts of demand, such as during heatwave or storm. Outages may occur with little advance warning, as outages are an emergency measure taken by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) and implemented by PG&E across its service territory.
Public Safety Power Shutoffs
Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) are planned power outages initiated by PG&E to prevent wildfires during high fire-threat conditions, such as warm temperatures and strong winds. PSPS events help reduce the risk of trees or debris damaging power lines. While the likelihood of a PSPS occurring in San Francisco is low, it is important to prepare.
Enter in your address to get details for current and future PSPS outages and view the outage map in real-time at PG&E Alerts.