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We are replacing four large diameter butterfly valves inside the Tesla Valve Vault so that the individual San Joaquin Pipelines (SJPL) can be safely taken out of service for maintenance or repair while still being able to deliver drinking water.
The project objective is to replace four large diameter butterfly valves, namely TUV 101, 201, 301 and 401, inside Tesla Valve Vault so that the individual San Joaquin Pipelines (SJPL) can be safety shut down without the entire system being shut down.
This will also improve safety to enter the pipelines for maintenance and inspection purposes. The scope of work includes modification to the replacement of the existing butterfly valves, bypass valve, pipes, flanges, actuators, and valve controls.
The project is part of a larger Hetchy Capital Improvement Program (HCIP), a multi-year capital program to upgrade or improve water conveyance, water storage, and power generation facilities in the Sierra Nevada portion of the Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System.