The Biosolids Digester Facilities Project (BDFP) will replace and relocate the outdated existing solids treatment facilities with more reliable, efficient, and modern technologies and facilities. The new facilities will produce a higher quality biosolids, capture and treat odors more effectively, and maximize biogas utilization and energy recovery. In addition, the project will locate the digesters farther away from existing residences and make visual improvements in and around the Southeast Treatment Plant.
What are Biosolids?
Biosolids are the nutrient-rich soil-like product of the wastewater treatment process that can be used as a synthetic fertilizer-replacement and soil amendment.
Project Benefits
This project will provide significant operational and functional improvements to this critical facility:
- Produce higher quality, Class A biosolids that have greatly expanded beneficial uses
- Reduce odors from the treatment process
- Improve the ability for these critical facilities to withstand a 7.8 earthquake on the San Andreas fault, and a 7.1 earthquake on the Hayward fault
- Ensure that the Southeast Treatment Plant can accommodate or adapt to the expected sea level rise of 36 inches by 2100
The SFPUC is also leveraging these investments to provide opportunities to local residents and businesses who are most impacted by having this facility in the neighborhood:
- Provide a more attractive look to the facilities to better fit in with the neighborhood
- Fund local public art guided by the Bayview Arts Master Plan
- Support local hire and local contracting goals and requirements
Funding for this project has been provided in full or in part through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board. California’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund is capitalized through a variety of funding sources, including grants from the United States Environmental Protection Agency and state bond proceeds. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the foregoing, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
Office Hours and Contact Information
We want to hear from you. Use any of the below methods to connect with our team!
Construction Hotline: (415) 551-4737
After hours: Call 311