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Crewman working at a site.

Construction Management

The following materials include procedures, policies, and systems to support the execution of infrastructure and capital improvement programs.

Construction Management (CM) Plan

The Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP) CM Plan has been prepared to present the overall organizational structure for managing the construction of the SSIP projects. The CM Plan provides guidance on what is expected regarding the various CM functions as well as the roles and responsibilities of the CM Consultants and SFPUC staff at both the program and project levels. The CM Plan provides a roadmap for a consistent CM approach to be implemented across the program. The SSIP CM Plan includes the following:

  • A summary of the Construction Management Contracting Strategy;
  • Generic organizational charts of the program and project CM organizations showing typical staff positions of CM Consultants as well as SFPUC staff;
  • Descriptions of the roles and responsibilities of CM Consultants and typical staff positions;
  • Summary descriptions of the general approach to all of the major CM functions and elements and its application to SSIP, including pre-construction functions; and
  • Identification of software and its use in CM functions for management of information as well as cost and schedule control during the construction phase of SSIP.

Safety Approach

The SFPUC Construction Safety Approach applies to all personnel and companies contracted to work on any Project related to SFPUC Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). As part of the Safety Approach, all Parties are required to comply with the SFPUC contract safety requirements, the California Code of Regulations Title 8, and all applicable Federal and Local Regulatory Standards. If there is a conflict between any applicable safety standards, the most stringent shall apply.

The goal of the Safety Approach is to establish superior safety performance on SFPUC Infrastructure/CIP projects and to define roles, responsibilities, programs, policies and procedures to accomplish this goal. All Parties to this Approach shall implement measures to develop an acute awareness that shall promote error-free performance at the project worksites and facilitate achieving contract objectives in the safest manner possible. An additional SFPUC safety goal is to construct each Project with ZERO incidents, totally free from accidents. This goal can only be achieved when everyone commits to error-free performance. The commitment to achieve this goal will result in increased productivity and the prevention of job related losses.