Start or Stop Service
Need help with your service account?
Start Water and Sewer Service
Start Water and Sewer Service
You can request water and sewer service online or over the phone. Online service requests will be reviewed within 5 business days upon submission. A Customer Service Representative will contact you to complete the request.
- Request online: Start Water and Sewer Service for Residential Customers.
- Request online: Start Water and Sewer Service for Commercial Customers.
- Call Customer Services at 415-551-3000, Monday to Friday, 9am - 4:30pm except on City holidays.
To start a new service, please provide the following information:
Residential Customers Commercial Customers - Applicant’s name and mailing address
- Service address
- Home and work phone number
- Prior service address in San Francisco (if applicable)
- Other SFWD accounts (if applicable)
- Applicant’s ID# (Valid California Drivers License or California ID)
- Close of escrow date (if applicable)
- Applicant’s name and mailing address
- Service address
- Home and work (business) phone number
- Applicant is owner of the business and a tenant of the property or
- Applicant is owner of the business and owner of the property
- Prior service address in San Francisco (if applicable)
- Other SFWD accounts (if applicable)
- Federal Tax ID of the business
- Type of business conducted at the service address
When starting service a deposit is required. The deposit shall be approximately twice the estimated monthly water and sewer (wastewater) charges, but in no case shall it be less than $50.00. The deposit plus interest will be returned to you after one year of good payment history.
Update Your Account Information
You may update your account information, such as your mailing address or telephone numbers. A new account must be established in order to change the name on the account:
- Online, register or log on to MyAccount
- By mail, use the back of your bill stub to provide your updated information
- By email,
- By phone, call Customer Services at 415-551-3000
Stop Water and Sewer Service
Stop Water and Sewer Service
You can request to stop water or sewer services online or over the phone. Online service requests will be reviewed within 5 business days upon submission. A Customer Service Representative will contact you to complete the request.
- Request online: Stop Water and Sewer Service
- Call Customer Services at 415-551-3000, Monday to Friday, 9am - 4:30pm except on City holidays.
Request to stop service must be made at least two business days prior to requested stop date on the account. Please provide the following information.
- Applicant’s name and mailing address
- Service address
- Home and work (business) phone number
Rules and Regulations
This document presents the Rules and Regulations governing water services to our customers. Items and issues covered by this document include the following:
- Installation of Services
- Extension of Mains
- Application for Water Supply and Responsibility of Applicants
- Meter Reading, Billing and Collection
Start Electric Service
For Hetch Hetchy Power Customers
Call Customer Services at 415-551-4720
Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm (except for City holidays)To start a new service, please provide the following:
Residential Customers Commercial Customers - Applicant’s name, mailing address, and email address
- Service address
- Home and work phone numbers
- Owner or tenant occupied
- Number of occupants (this allows us to calculate average usage per similar household)
- Prior SFPUC water and/or power service addresses in San Francisco (if applicable)
- Valid California driver license or California ID and expiration date
- Close of escrow date (if applicable)
- Service start date
- Applicant’s name and mailing address
- Service address
- Home and work (business) phone number
- Applicant is owner of the business and a tenant of the property, or
- Applicant is owner of the business and owner of the property
- Prior SFPUC water and/or power service addresses in San Francisco (if applicable)
- Federal Tax ID of the business
- Type of business conducted at the service address
We may need a deposit of about double your estimated electricity charges (at least $100). Your deposit will be returned to you after a year of good payment history.
Stop Electric Service
For Hetch Hetchy Power Customers
Call Customer Services at 415-551-4720
Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm (except for City holidays)Requests to stop service must be made at least two business days prior to the requested close date on the account. Please provide the following information:
- Applicant’s name and mailing address
- Service address
- Home and work phone numbers
- Email address