Construction Projects
We appreciate your support as we repair and upgrade the systems that serve you every day.
We maintain a complex system that provides water, power, and sewer service to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your rates fund these critical services as well as system upgrades and maintenance that are necessary to keep our system reliable and efficient. We know construction projects have a big impact on those who live and work nearby, and we do our best to work quickly and efficiently so that projects are completed as soon as possible. Thank you for your support.
Construction Project List
San Francisco
- As Needed Water Service Line Replacement Program
- Biosolids Digesters Facilities
- Bay Corridor Transmission and Distribution Phase 4 and Water Improvements
- Channel Force Main Intertie
- Clarendon Emergency Firefighting Water System Upgrade
- College Hill Reservoir Outlet Structure & Pipeline Project
- Coso and Precita Avenues Utility Upgrade Project
- East SOMA Sewer Improvements
- Folsom Area Stormwater Improvement
- Geary Boulevard Sewer and Water Improvements Phase 2
- Gold Mine Drive Pipeline Replacement Project
- Green Infrastructure Projects
- Hampshire and York Streets Utility Upgrade Project
- Harding Park Pump Station
- Hayes Valley Sewer Improvement Project
- Joost Avenue Water Main Replacement Project
- Laguna Street CSD Outfall Rehabilitation Project
- Lower Alemany Area Stormwater Improvements Project
- New Headworks Facility
- Noe Valley Water Main Replacement Project
- Ocean Beach Climate Change Adaptation Project
- Outfall Rehabilitation Projects
- Parnassus Avenue Water Main Installation Project
- Panhandle and Inner Sunset Large Sewer Rehabilitation Project
- Pine Lake Park Slope Restoration Project
- San Francisco Zoo Recycled Water Project
- Seacliff Pump Stations 1 & 2
- Southeast Treatment Plant Upgrades
- Sutro Reservoir Pathway Improvement Project
- Treasure Island Water Resource Recovery Facility
- Upper Yosemite Creek Daylighting
- Various Locations Brick Sewer Improvements Project
- Vista Grande Canal Project with Daly City
- Wawona and Vicente Street Stormwater and Water Main Replacement
- Webster Street Water Main Upgrade Project
- Westside Enhanced Water Recycling Project
- Westside Potable Emergency Firefighting Water System
- Westside Pump Station Reliability Improvements
East Bay
Central Valley / Sierra Nevada
- Bridge Replacement
- Moccasin Penstock
- Moccasin Powerhouse and Generator Step-Up Transformer Rehabilitation
- Mountain Tunnel Improvements
- O’Shaughnessy Dam Outlet Works Phase 1
- O’Shaughnessy Dam Access and Drainage Improvements
- San Joaquin Pipeline Valve and Safe Entry Improvement
- Warnerville Substation Rehabilitation
Completed Projects - All Regions
- 5th, North 6th, Division, and Sansome streets CSD Rehabilitation
- Baker, Sutter Streets Water Main Replacement
- Bay Corridor Transmission and Distribution (BCTD)
- Bay Division Pipeline No. 3 & 4 Slip Lining Project
- Cargo Way Sewer Box Odor Reduction
- Diamond Heights Water Main Replacement Project
- Force Main Rehabilitation at Embarcadero & Jackson Improvements
- Laidley Street Water Main Replacement Project
- Lake Merced West Site Remediation Project
- Mariposa Pump Station Improvements Project
- Peninsula Fire Prevention
- Prospect, Coleridge, Coso Water and Sewer Pipeline Replacement
- Regional Groundwater Storage and Recovery
- San Andreas Dam Geotechnical Investigations
- San Andreas Pipeline #2
- San Joaquin Pipelines Tesla Valves Replacement
- Stern Grove Emergency Repairs
- Sunol Regional Wilderness Park Water System Improvements
Can't find any information about the work on your street?
- The project could be a joint project co-managed with other City agencies. For SFMTA led projects, please visit For SFDPW projects, please visit
- It is possible the work is an emergency water or sewer line repair.
- It could short term project of less than a few week’s duration.
- Work repair for water main breaks.
- The work may be sewer inspection and cleaning or sewer repair.
- Check the schedule of planned night work.
How do you know?
- Look for any information posted on A-frames in and around the work area.
- Call the listed number and reference the permit number.
- Ask to speak with the job site foreman.
- Check the schedule of planned night work.
- Send a message to
If you are experiencing a water, power, or sewer emergency or service problem call our 24-hour hotline at 3-1-1 or log on at
Construction Project Map
Use this map to learn more about the planned water, wastewater, and power construction projects near you and what to expect during repairs or improvements. You can also see a listing of projects below the map.