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Construction at the Southeast Treatment Plant



Evans Avenue Restoration

Evans Avenue restoration will begin this September between Quint and Rankin streets. Work will include sidewalk and curb work, plus lighting and tree planting.

During this work, partial lane closures will be necessary to ensure safety of workers and the public. Detour signage will be provided, as needed. Muni operation and bus stops will NOT be impacted. Business and residents in the work zone will maintain access to their driveways and entrances during construction. Bicyclists will be allowed use of full lane, and sidewalks will remain open.

Evans Avenue restoration is expected to be complete January 2025.

Changes to the Biosolids' Biogas Project

Biogas is a byproduct of the biosolids digestion treatment process. Our original plans for the Biosolids Digester Facilities Project included reusing 100% of the biogas, however we recently made changes to how the biogas will be used. The new plan will convert the biogas to renewable natural gas for injection into PG&E's existing gas pipeline. For more information, read frequently asked questions for the Biogas Utilization Project.

The Southeast Treatment Plant (SEP) operates 24/7 to protect public health and the environment. For more than 70 years, San Francisco has relied on SEP to treat the majority of its wastewater. We are making generational investments so this vital facility can continue to work around the clock.

As we continue to make progress with our infrastructure investments, we are proud to be providing jobs and contracting opportunities to local residents and businesses. When complete, the plant will work better, look better, and smell better for the community, our staff, and entire City!

  • Construction Start: 2018