Our Water Enterprise manages a complex water supply system stretching from the Sierra Nevada Mountains to San Francisco. As sound stewards of this engineering marvel in our care, we never stop maintaining and upgrading it.
About the Water System Improvement Program
The Water System Improvement Program (WSIP) is a $4.8 billion dollar, multi-year capital program to upgrade the SFPUC's regional and local water systems. The program repairs, replaces, and seismically upgrades crucial portions of the Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System.
The program consists of 87 projects - 35 local projects located within San Francisco and 52 regional projects, spread over seven counties from the Sierra foothills to San Francisco. The San Francisco portion of the program is 100% complete as of October 2020. In March 2022, the SFPUC Commission approved revisions to the program including a schedule extension to February 2027.
About 10-Year Water Capital Program
Although we have upgraded major portions of it through our Water System Improvement Program, we must continue to maintain and upgrade this complicated system in order to continue meeting our Level of Service Goals. The planning, design, and construction of these projects are included within the Local (San Francisco) and Regional 10-year Water Enterprise Capital Improvement Programs.
The Regional Water System consists of water treatment facilities; water transmission infrastructure; and watersheds and Rights-of-Way lands in San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Alameda Counties as well as western San Joaquin County.
The Local (San Francisco) Water System consists of water storage, treatment, and pumping facilities; water transmission and distribution infrastructure; and various lands in the City and County of San Francisco. Groundwater in San Francisco is under the jurisdiction of the SFPUC.
We update these 10-Year Capital Improvement Programs every year and integrate these plans with our Financial Plan and rate-setting. Projects within this program are in all project phases: conceptual, design, planning, and construction.
About Hetch Hetchy Capital Improvement Projects
Our Water Enterprise’s Hetch Hetchy Water and Power (HHWP) Division is responsible for operating, managing, and maintaining the HHWP system and facilities. This includes water facilities from Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, located in Yosemite National Park, to Alameda East Portal, located in Sunol Valley and power facilities located from Early Intake (in the Sierra Nevada) to Newark.
The Hetch Hetchy Capital Improvement Projects (HCIP) are a multi-year group of capital projects to upgrade existing, aging infrastructure within the system operated by HHWP so that it will meet the challenges of today and the future.
Projects within this program are in all project phases: conceptual, design, planning, and construction.
Warnerville Substation Rehabilitation
The Warnerville Substation facilities have reached the end of their working life and are in need of rehabilitation. Phase 1 will be complete in July 2021. Phase 2 will start in October 2022.
- Expected Completion Date: Phase 1 July 2021, Phase 2 July 2023
Moccasin Powerhouse and Generator Step-Up Transformer Rehabilitation
Both Moccasin Powerhouse generator units were completed in 1969 and have exceeded their working life expectancy and need repair in order to continue operating reliably.
- Expected Completion Date: Phase 3: June 2027
Moccasin Penstock
The Moccasin Penstock conveys Hetch Hetchy water from Moccasin Tunnel to the Moccasin Powerhouse. This project will enhance the reliability of the penstock system, which is critical both for power generation and drinking water supply. An original plan to rehabilitate the nearly 100 year-old penstocks has been revised in order to pursue a plan for their replacement.
A penstock is a pipeline that delivers water to drive an electricity-generating turbine. The existing system is above ground, but a penstock can be located either above or below ground.
- Expected Completion Date: 2030
San Joaquin Pipelines Tesla Valves Replacement
We are replacing four large diameter butterfly valves inside the Tesla Valve Vault.- Expected Completion Date: July 2022
San Joaquin Pipeline Valve and Safe Entry Improvement
We will install a surge shaft and new valves at four primary locations in the system.- Expected Completion Date: Project C: 2027