Active Alerts

If you are experiencing a water, power, or sewer emergency or service problem call our 24-hour hotline at 3-1-1 or (415) 701-2311 from outside SF or log on at Learn more or review active service alerts.
Español | 中文 | Filipino | Tiếng Việt | عربي | Pусский | Samoano Delayed Bills A technical problem led to a number of customers not receiving a water and sewer bill for some months. The problem arose with certain transponders on water meters. The water meters were accurately reading water usage, but the transponders were not sending that data electronically to our billing system. This resulted in some customers not receiving a bill for a period of time, even though they were still receiving water and sewer service. We apologize to these customers for any difficulty this may have caused. We’re
Español | 中文 | Filipino | Tiếng Việt | عربي | Pусский | Samoano Great News The SFPUC applied for money to pay off our customers’ unpaid water/sewer utility bills from the pandemic, thanks to the California Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program.