EV Charge SF
EV Charge SF will soon announce its updated and expanded program offering for both Existing Buildings and New Construction. Check back soon for updates!
Our newest incentive program helps you install electric vehicle (EV) chargers and save.
EV Charge SF is designed to help finance EV charging infrastructure in San Francisco. Through EV Charge SF, projects can take advantage of up to $120,000 in financial incentives to install EV chargers and related infrastructure.
New Buildings Eligibility
New construction projects, either commercial or residential, that are or will be CleanPowerSF or Hetch Hetchy Power customers served under a qualifying electric rate, and are subject to the San Francisco EV Readiness Ordinance (Ord. #92-17).
Recently constructed buildings on a qualifying CleanPowerSF or Hetch Hetchy Power electric rate that have complied with the EV Readiness Ordinance.
Commercial parking garages and parking lots subject to the SF Commercial Garage EV Charging Ordinance on a qualifying CleanPowerSF or Hetch Hetchy Power electric rate.
EV Charge SF’s incentives can help finance EV charging infrastructure in projects that exceed minimum code requirements. The program offers, on a first come first served basis:
- Financial incentives for installing Level 2 (240V) EV charging equipment
- Financial incentives for adding Level 1 EV charging outlets and EV conduit
- EV Action Plan template
- Optional technical assistance for most projects
Are You Charged Up?
Interested in making EV charging a part of your project? We’re here to assist. Find out if your project is eligible for EV Charge SF. Contact powerprograms@sfwater.org or call (415) 554-0773.
Program Materials
- EV Charge SF Overview Flyer
- EV Charge SF Commercial Garage Overview Flyer
- EV Charge SF Handbook
- EV Charge SF Enrollment Form
- EV Charge SF Incentive Application
- EV Action Plan Template and Workbook
For projects with permits that are subject to the 2019 code cycle, please email powerprograms@sfwater.org for the Workbook geared to that code version.
Resources and Fact Sheets
Installing EV chargers can be complex and raise many questions. Explore our resources and fact sheets for assistance with planning, purchasing, and operating EV chargers.
- Background for Making Your EV Action Plan
- Fact Sheet: SF EV Readiness Code – 2018-2022 Permits
- Fact Sheet: SF EV Readiness Code – 2023-2024 Permits
- Fact Sheet: Affordable Housing EV Charging
- Fact Sheet: Case Study – New Construction EV Charging
- Fact Sheet: EV Charging Level Options and Considerations
- Fact Sheet: EV Charger Ownership, Management, and Billing
- Fact Sheet: Questions for EVSE Vendors
Existing Buildings Pilot Program
The Existing Buildings Pilot Program has ended. Please check back soon for a new program for existing buildings.
About the Program
EV Charge SF offered a pilot program for Existing Buildings Pilot for Multifamily, Not-for-Profit, and Small Business CleanPowerSF properties. These properties may also have qualified for PG&E/Ecology Action Multifamily Housing and Small Business EV Charger Programs.