Stormwater Management Requirements
The Stormwater Management Requirements and Design Guidelines (SMR) outlines the mandatory requirements for managing post-construction stormwater runoff and provides guidance on how to incorporate green infrastructure into site design. The performance requirements vary depending on the type of sewer system servicing a project (combined or separate), the agency with jurisdiction over the project (SFPUC or Port), and the size of the project. Refer to the SMR Summary Flyer for more information.
The Stormwater Management Ordinance (SMO) – Public Works Code, Article 4.2 Sections 147-147.6 – requires compliance with the SMR. It applies to all new and redevelopment projects that create and/or replace 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface in combined sewer areas or 2,500 square feet or more in separate sewer areas.
By complying with the Stormwater Management Ordinance, you will be eligible to apply for a stormwater credit to lower your monthly sewer bill. Find out more at
SCP APPROVAL PROCESS: Interface with DBI Permitting
*NEW* SCP Project Review and Approval Process – February 2025
DBI Site Permit with Addenda
- Preliminary SCP (PSCP) shall be reviewed for ‘intake acceptance’ by SFPUC prior to DBI Site Permit submittal.
- Final SCP (FSCP) shall be reviewed for ‘intake acceptance’ by SFPUC prior to DBI Architectural Addenda submittal.
- FSCP shall be approved prior to DBI Certificate of Final Completion (CFC) issuance.
DBI Full Building Permit
- PSCP shall be approved by SFPUC and FSCP shall be submitted to SFPUC for ‘intake acceptance’ prior to DBI Full Permit submittal.
- FSCP shall be approved prior to DBI Certificate of Final Completion (CFC) issuance.
Submittal Guidance
- SCP Submittal Guidelines – February 2025
- SCP Review Fee and Check Submittal Guidelines – February 2025
SCP Materials
- Alternative Compliance Application - formerly Modified Compliance Application (September 2024)
- CSS BMP Sizing Calculator v2.3 (December 2023)
- GI Typical Details (Version 3, 2023) – (PDF) and (DWG)
- SMO Rainwater Harvesting Policy Update (2022)
How To Comply With the Requirements
Development Projects shall perform the following actions to comply with the Stormwater Management Ordinance:
I. Large Development Projects (≥5,000 square feet new and/or replaced impervious surface):
Step 1: Determine if your project (or subdivision) is subject to the SMO.
SMO requirements apply to:
- Large Projects: New and redevelopment projects (or subdivisions) that create and/or replace ≥5,000 square feet of impervious surface in the separate and combined sewer areas; and
- Small Projects: New and redevelopment projects that create and/or replace 2,500-5,000 square feet of impervious surface in separate sewer areas.
Activities that create or replace impervious surface include but are not limited to the construction or alteration of any building or structure and the creation or replacement of outdoor impervious surfaces.
The SMO does not apply to certain activities such as:
- Pavement maintenance activities such as top-layer asphalt grinding and repaving within the existing footprint;
- Replacement of existing sidewalks and streets dedicated to and accepted by the City;
- Interior remodeling projects;
- Re-roofing; or
- Utility repair work requiring trenching or excavation with in-kind surface replacement.
SFPUC determination for case-by-case conditions:
If your project has unique conditions or is a subdivision, email to initiate a formal determination. Please provide:
- Short project description
- Applicant contact
- Address / APN No.
- Architectural and Site Layout & Material Plans (1-4+ plans)
Step 2: Identify the applicable SMO performance requirement, as indicated by the adjacent sewer system.
- Combined Sewer Areas:
- Sites with existing imperviousness of ≤50%: stormwater runoff rate and volume shall not exceed pre-development conditions for the 1-and 2-year, 24-hour design storm
- Sites with existing imperviousness of >50%: stormwater runoff rate and volume must be reduced by 25% relative to pre-development conditions for the 2-year, 24-hour design storm
- Separate Sewer Areas:
- Capture and treat the rainfall from a design storm of 0.75 inches
Use this map to determine if your project is located in an area served by the combined or separate sewer system.
NOTE: More information on the performance requirements can be found in the Stormwater Management Requirements and Design Guidelines (SMR), Chapters 5 & 6.
Step 3: Schedule a pre-application meeting with the SMR Project Review Team
After Planning Entitlement is received, schedule a mandatory SCP Pre-Application Meeting to coordinate the stormwater approach and SCP submittal and approvals process. Schedule a meeting early during the planning and team-building process.
A SCP Pre-Application meeting with SFPUC is a pre-requirement to DBI Permit applications to minimize design challenges and streamline project approvals. Project proponents should come prepared with relevant information such as existing site conditions, site plans, overall architectural plans/elevations, soil conditions, proposed stormwater concept(s), etc.
Email to schedule a 60-minute pre-application meeting. Meetings can be scheduled on Tuesdays from 1 - 4 PM or Thursdays from 10 AM - 1 PM.
Step 4: Submit an Alternative Compliance Application (if applicable)
To establish a fairer and more flexible standard, projects with proven site challenges and limitations are eligible to meet the SMR by adhering to Alternative Compliance requirements. Alternative Compliance:
- Applies only to projects in the Combined Sewer System
- Evaluates site limitations such as high groundwater, shallow depth to bedrock, poorly infiltrating soils, contamination, and zero lot-line projects
- Assesses project potential for non-potable demand
- Modifies volume and peak rate reduction requirements based on approved site-specific constraints
NOTE: To be considered for Alternative Compliance, please submit a completed AC Application to prior to submitting the Preliminary SCP. See the SCP Materials and Resources below for a link to the application.
Step 5: Submit a Preliminary Stormwater Control Plan (PSCP)
A Preliminary Stormwater Control Plan (PSCP) must be developed in accordance with the SCP Instructions and submitted with the appropriate SCP Review Fee for review and approval. The PSCP must be submitted to SFPUC for ‘intake acceptance’ prior to the San Francisco Department of Building Inspection Site Permit submittal.
A PSCP shall demonstrate an allowable stormwater management approach at a design development level to receive Preliminary ‘Approval with Conditions’ by the SFPUC.
NOTE: The SCP Instructions and tools for developing an SCP can be found in the SCP Resources and Materials section below. Refer to the SCP Submittal Guidelines prior to submitting an SCP.
Step 6: Submit a Final Stormwater Control Plan (FSCP)
A Final Stormwater Control Plan (FSCP) must be developed in accordance with the SCP Instructions and submitted with the appropriate SCP Review Fee for review and approval.
The FSCP must be submitted to SFPUC for ‘intake acceptance’ prior to the San Francisco Department of Building Inspection:
- Architectural Addenda submittal, or
- Full Building Permit submittal.
The FSCP shall provide construction-level detail and design information that proves the stormwater management control(s) will comply with the SMR and function safely to receive Final ‘Approval with Conditions’ by SFPUC.
All Conditions of Approval must be completed and the Final SCP must be approved by the SFPUC prior to issuance of a Certificate of Final Completion from the San Francisco Department of Building Inspection.
NOTE: Typical Conditions are outlined in Step 7 and must be completed to obtain Final Approval.
NOTE: Typical Conditions are outlined in Step 7 and must be completed to obtain Final Approval.
Step 7: Complete Conditions of Approval
- Certification of Acceptable Construction (CAC): During construction, the project’s Engineer of Record and/or Landscape Architect that stamped the SCP must observe all stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) at major stages of construction and upon completion to ensure that the BMPs have been built in general accordance with the Final SCP Approved with Conditions. The licensed design professional(s) must sign and submit a Certification of Acceptable Construction (CAC) to the SFPUC to verify observation of BMP construction.
- Post-Construction Inspection: After a CAC is submitted, the project team must schedule and complete an SFPUC Post-Construction Inspection.
- Maintenance Agreement: Once an inspection is complete and closed, the property owner must sign and record a Maintenance Agreement to acknowledge and accept the responsibility to operate and maintain the BMPs in perpetuity.
NOTE: The Certification of Acceptable Construction Template and Maintenance Agreement Recordation Instructions and Template are available for download in the SCP Materials and Resources section of this webpage. More information on the Certification of Acceptable Construction and Maintenance Agreement can be found in the SMR, Chapter 9.
Step 8: Inspect green infrastructure annually and submit Self-Certification Checklist(s) to the SFPUC
Once the project is complete, the property owner or a designated party must perform Annual Self-Certification inspections of all green infrastructure to ensure proper maintenance and functionality. Annual Self-Certification Checklists are due to the SFPUC prior to October 15th of each year after project completion.
Annual Self-Certification Checklists and Instructions for each BMP type are available for download in the SCP Resources and Materials section below. More information on Annual Self-Certification inspection can be found in the SMR, Chapter 10.
II. Small Development Projects (2,500-5,000 square feet new and/or replaced impervious surface in Separate Sewer Areas):
Step 1. Implement at least one Site Design Measure, as outlined in Chapter 6 of the SMR.
Step 2. Submit an estimated runoff reduction volume to the SFPUC using the State Water Board Post Construction Water Balance Calculator, available for download in the SCP Resources and Materials section below.
SMR Documents
Stormwater Management Requirements and Design Guidelines (SMR)
Appendix B: Green Infrastructure Typical Details
- GI Typical Details (Version 3) - (PDF)
- GI Typical Details (Version 3) - AutoCAD 2013 (DWG)
- Specifications
- Bioretention Specification - October 2024 update
⇒ Modified Permeability Testing Procedure
⇒ SFPUC Temporary Protection of Green Infrastructure Facilities
⇒ Bioretention Soil Mix Submittal Checklist - Permeable Unit Paver Specification - October 2024 update
- Pervious Concrete Specification - October 2024 update
- Porous Asphalt Specification - October 2024 update
- Bioretention Specification - October 2024 update
Appendix C: Criteria for Infiltration-based BMPs
Appendix D: Vegetation Palette for Bioretention BMPs
Appendix E: Illustrative Green Infrastructure Examples
Stormwater Control Plan (SCP) Materials and Resources
SCP Submittal Resources
- SCP Review Fee Form
- Alternative Compliance Application - formerly Modified Compliance Application (September 2024)
- Project Information Form (Parcel)
- Project Information Form (Multi-Phase)
- Separate Sewer Area BMP Selection Form
- Technical Report Templates
- Maintenance Agreement Template
- Certification of Acceptable Construction Template – February 2025
SCP Instructions and Preparation Guidance
- SCP Submittal Guidelines – February 2025
- SCP Review Fee and Check Submittal Guidelines – February 2025
- SCP Instructions (Parcel) – February 2025
- SCP Instruction (Multi-Phase) – February 2025
- SCP Preparation Checklists - February 2025
- Example SMP with Calcs (pdf and CAD)
- Example SMP CAD drawings
- Infiltration Rate Testing Methods
- Rainwater Harvesting Guidance and Checklists - October 2024
- Rainwater Harvesting Plumbing Symbol Legend
- Rainwater Harvesting Policy Update 2022
- Aggregate Filter Criteria
- Maintenance Agreement Recordation Instructions
BMP Calculators
- *NEW* Combined Sewer Area (CSS) BMP Sizing Calculator v2.3
- Separate Sewer Area (MS4) BMP Sizing Calculators v2.0
- Small MS4 projects: Water Board Post-Construction Water Balance Calculator
Calculation Methods
- Design Storms: 1-year and 2-year 24-hour Design Storms
- SFPUC Accepted Hydrologic Calculation Methods
- Combined Sewer System and Separate Sewer System BMP Sizing Calculator Calculation Approach using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph Method
GI Construction, Maintenance, and Inspection Guidance
Self-Certification Checklists
Non-potable Ordinance (NPO) and SMO Synergies
- NPO-SMO One Water Factsheet
- Submittal Requirements for Projects Subject to the Stormwater Management Ordinance and Non-potable Ordinance
Other SMO Guidance
Archived 2010 - Stormwater Design Guidelines
The following informational materials and resources are only for projects that have submitted a Preliminary Stormwater Control plan (SCP) prior to May 27, 2016.
The San Francisco 2010 Stormwater Design Guidelines describe the requirements for stormwater management in San Francisco. The Guidelines were adopted by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission on January 12, 2010 and have since been in 2016 updated to the SMR.
- Stormwater Design Guidelines Handbook (January 2010)
- Stormwater Management Ordinance (May 2010)
- SFPUC Stormwater Management Requirements - Informational Letter (March 2013)
- Stormwater Design Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions (October 2012)
- Stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) Fact Sheets (January 2010)
- Application of the Stormwater Design Guidelines Requirements to the Public Right-Of-Way (September 2013)
Amendments to the 2010 Stormwater Design Guidelines
- Amendment to the Applicability Date (July 2012)
- Amendment to the Stormwater Control Plan review process chart (July 2012)
BMP Sizing Calculators
- Separate Sewer Area BMP Sizing Calculators - Water Quality (November 2011)
- Combined Sewer System BMP Sizing Calculators v2.0 - Quantity Control (August 2015)
Hydrologic Calculation Methods and Background Information
- SFPUC Accepted Hydrologic Calculation Methods (August 2012)
- Combined Sewer Area BMP Sizing Calculator Approach using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph Method (August 2015)
- Design Storms: 1-year and 2-year 24-hour Design Storms
Stormwater Control Plan
- Parcel SCP Instructions (February 2014)
- Parcel SCP Project Information Form (February 2014)
- Multi-Phase SCP Instructions (July 2014)
- Multi-Phase SCP Project Information Form (July 2014)
- SCP Technical Report Templates (February 2014)
- Maintenance Agreement Template (September 2012)
- Maintenance Agreement Recordation Instructions (August 2013)
For More Information Contact:
Managing stormwater, which may otherwise wash pollutants into our waterways or overwhelm our sewer system, is critical to protecting water quality, wildlife, and public health. Like many California municipal agencies, the SFPUC administers a stormwater management program developed in accordance with the Clean Water Act. Effective May 22, 2010 and updated in 2016, the San Francisco Stormwater Management Ordinance (SMO) requires new and redevelopment projects to manage stormwater using green infrastructure (i.e. stormwater controls or best management practices) and to maintain that green infrastructure for the lifetime of the project.
SMO requirements apply to:
Large Projects: New and redevelopment projects (or subdivisions) that create and/or replace ≥5,000 square feet of impervious surface in the separate and combined sewer areas, and
Small Projects: New and redevelopment projects that create and/or replace 2,500-5,000 square feet of impervious surface in separate sewer areas.
Activities that create or replace impervious surface include, but are not limited to, the construction or alteration of any building or structure and the creation or replacement of outdoor impervious surfaces such as parking areas, driveways, or private street areas.
The SMO does not apply to certain activities such as:
- Pavement maintenance activities such as top-layer asphalt grinding and repaving within the existing footprint;
- Replacement of existing sidewalks and streets dedicated to and accepted by the City;
- Interior remodeling projects;
- Re-roofing; or
- Utility repair work requiring trenching or excavation with in-kind surface replacement.