Active Alerts

If you are experiencing a water, power, or sewer emergency or service problem call our 24-hour hotline at 3-1-1 or (415) 701-2311 from outside SF or log on at Learn more or review active service alerts.
We are cleaning and inspecting sewer lines throughout San Francisco. The work is being done by our crews and by contractors working for the SFPUC. What does sewer cleaning work entail? Using high pressure water hoses and vacuum trucks, crews flush the pipes and catch basins. Obstructive debris is removed and properly discarded. Sewer lines vary in diameter from a few inches to eight feet. In order to clean the larger lines properly, specially trained crews wearing protective clothing and safety gear may be needed to physically walk the sewer. How long does it take? Sewer cleaning work
Choose an area below to learn more about the guidelines, standards, and regulations we require to ensure quality and protect the environment. If you need a permit for a small business, you may qualify for expedited review under Proposition H. Visit the Prop H website for more information. Asset Protection Standards Residential Water Submetering Commercial Water Conservation Sewer Lateral Installation Standards Cross-Connection Control Sewer/Wastewater Pretreatment Fire Hydrants Stormwater Management Fire Service Connections Street and Pedestrian Lighting Hetch Hetchy Power Water Main
In June of 2017, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, (USEPA), passed a Dental Office Category Rule, (codified at 40 CFR § 441) governing regulations related to dental offices nationwide. This EPA ruling goes into effect this July 2020. The ruling specifically states that by July 14, 2020, the following must be implemented in dental offices: Operate and maintain one or more ISO 11143 compliant amalgam separators Implement Best Management Practices Comply with reporting and recordkeeping requirements Complete an EPA approved One-Time Certification Form Please note: If your