While most of our main sewer pipes are located under public streets, some are located on private property. For the SFPUC to perform necessary maintenance and repair work on a sewer main within a private property, the City needs to hold a right to access the sewer pipes. This is called an easement. An easement is an interest in real property that entitles the easement holder to a limited use of another’s land, usually in a specified manner or for a specified purpose. Utility providers are commonly granted easements within a private property for utilities such as sewer, water, power, or gas to
Ocean Beach is a community treasure, but it has been impacted by storm-driven waves and suffers from climate-induced erosion of the coastal bluffs. South of Sloat Boulevard, erosion has undermined and damaged beach parking lots, stormwater drainage facilities and the Great Highway itself. Storms continue to threaten critical wastewater treatment infrastructure and limit shoreline and beach access.