Hydrant Meters
SFPUC Customer Services at 525 Golden Gate Avenue are open Monday to Friday, except on City holidays:
In-Person Onsite Hours: 9am to 4:30pm
Customer Service Phone: 9am to 4:30pm at 415-551-4770
SFPUC Water Department, City Distribution Division (CDD) Meter Shop is open by appointment only Monday to Friday 7:30 - 11:30 a.m. and 12 - 3 p.m., except City holidays.
Hydrants in the City and County of San Francisco are owned and operated by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and connected to the SFPUC water system to serve the SFPUC’s retail water customers within the City. While hydrants are located so they may be used for fire suppression to protect the SFPUC’s retail water customers’ property, the SFPUC also allows customers to apply for a revocable permit (Permit) to use its low-pressured fire hydrants within the City for temporary water supply for a period of up to 1 year for the limited purposes of general construction, filmmaking, special events, and mobile sanitation services, with the opportunity for renewal, subject to certain terms and conditions. This Permit program does not include access to any of the high-pressured hydrants owned and operated by the SFPUC that comprise the San Francisco Emergency Firefighting Water System within the City.
A customer that receives a Permit shall connect to and draw water from the specific hydrant associated with its Permit using only the SFPUC-authorized Hydrant Meter Equipment provided to that customer by the CDD Meter Shop for use during the Permit term. No non-SFPUC-issued equipment or hard-pipe plumbing of any form shall be used to connect to or draw water from a hydrant at any time. The Hydrant Meter Equipment (Including a meter, hydrant connection, flex hose, and spanner wrench) is SFPUC property, temporarily rented by the customer, and shall be used only at the location specified in the customer’s Permit. Customers with Permits shall report their meter readings to the SFPUC every 2 months on the schedule specified in their Permit and return all Hydrant Meter Equipment to the CDD Meter Shop no later than 5 calendar days after the Permit’s end date. Customers are prohibited from subleasing or transferring the SFPUC-Issued Hydrant Meter Equipment to any other party.
To obtain a Permit from the SFPUC, and maintain authorization to connect to and draw water from a hydrant for the Permit duration, customers must (1) submit an application and provide the SFPUC with all information requested, (2) pay all applicable fees and charges at the time of application and during the Permit term, and (3) comply with all SFPUC rules and regulations governing water service and hydrant use and the terms and conditions of their Permits.
Charges (as of July 1, 2023*) | 1-inch meter | 3-inch meter |
Deposit | $3,094.00 | $5,294.00 |
Connection Fee (non-refundable) | $292.00 | $292.00 |
Monthly Service Charge | $31.62 | $158.92 |
Cost Per Unit of Water | $11.68 | $11.68 |
Utility Tax | 7.5% | 7.5% |
Non-Reporting Penalty | $292.00 per month | $292.00 per month |
Flushing Fee - if water is used for drinking and cooking (Special Event application only) |
$928.84 per hydrant | $928.84 per hydrant |
Damaged Parts | Actual Cost | Actual cost |
Lost or Stolen Meter | $3,094.00 | $5,294.00 |
*Rates are subject to change at the beginning of each fiscal year without notice to Builders & Contractors customers. For additional details, please refer to our Rates Schedules W-5 and W-41B.
Download the appropriate hydrant meter application and rules below:
- Application for 1-inch meter
- Application for 1-inch meter (special events)
- Application for 3-inch meter
- Application for 3-inch meter (special events)
- Hydrant Meter Connection & Operations Rules
- Rules Governing Hydrant Meter Rental and Use
How to Apply for a Hydrant Meter
STEP 1: Bring the completed application and a check drawn on your company’s business account for the deposit and fees to 525 Golden Gate Avenue, Customer Services, 1st floor. Office hours are Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., except City holidays.
ALL Hydrant Permit Applicants are to provide the following documents and any additional information requested by the SFPUC:
- Completed Hydrant Meter Permit application
- Federal Tax ID #
- Name and valid California Driver’s License of the person picking up the meter
- Valid California Business/Contractors License
- Valid San Francisco Business License - Required for ALL out of state Hydrant Meter Permit Applicants
- For filmmakers: valid permit issued by the San Francisco Film & Video Arts Commission
- For special events in the City, such as a fair: valid permit issued by the Department of Public Health
STEP 2: Once the SFPUC has approved your application Call the Water Department’s City Distribution Division Meter Shop at 415-550-4969 to schedule a time to pick up the Hydrant Meter Equipment you are required to use at all times to access water from the hydrant specified in your Permit.
Scheduled pick up is available M-F, between 7:30 - 11:30 a.m. and between 12:00 - 3:00 p.m. except City holidays at the CDD Meter Shop located at 1990 Newcomb Ave, SF, CA 94124.
- You must bring copy of approved permit.
- Hydrant meters will not be issued without an appointment or approved Hydrant Meter Permit.
- CDD Meter Shop operations are limited to scheduled hydrant meter issuance, returns and repairs.
Filming and Special Events
Applications for filming and special events require hydrant flushing, which must be scheduled five (5) business days in advance. Hydrant flushing fee is due at the time of application.
Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island
For rental requests at Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island, Hydrant Meter Permit applicants must obtain the approval of the Treasure Island Development Authority (TIDA) prior to applying for the meter. The approval letter must be submitted with the Hydrant Meter Permit application. For additional information, please contact the Treasure Island Development Authority at 415-274-0665.
The Hydrant Meter Equipment (Including the meter, hydrant connection, flex hose, and spanner wrench) is SFPUC, SFWD property temporarily rented by the customer, and shall be used only at the location specified in the customer’s Permit. Customers with Permits shall report their meter readings to the SFPUC every 2 months on the schedule specified in their Permit and return all Hydrant Meter Equipment to the CDD Meter Shop no later than 5 calendar days after the Permit’s end date. Customers are prohibited from subleasing or transferring the SFPUC-Issued Hydrant Meter Equipment to any other party.
For more information and questions, please call Customer Service at 415-551-4770, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., except City holidays.