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Are you ready to beautify your neighborhood, build resilience to climate change, and protect San Francisco’s surrounding waters through sustainable stormwater management practices? The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) is excited to announce that the Green Infrastructure Grant Program is now accepting applications for the Fall 2022 application cycle, with up to $10M available for projects. Grant Information The grant program funds the design and construction of green stormwater infrastructure on large public and private properties. This fall competitive application cycle
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) General Manager Dennis Herrera today announced that Nancy Hom will be the agency’s new Chief Financial Officer & Assistant General Manager of Business Services. As the current Co-Deputy CFO for the SFPUC, Hom has invaluable knowledge of the City’s financial procedures and systems, capital improvement projects, and regulatory affairs. She will start in her new role on September 3, 2022.
In the Bayview this past spring, as huge concrete biosolids digesters began to rise on the Southeast Treatment Plant (SEP) site, Senior Project Manager Carolyn Chiu took a moment to reflect on the progress. Chiu is the Senior Project Manager on the SFPUC’s Biosolids Digesters Facilities Project (BDFP), the SFPUC’s largest infrastructure project under the Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP). With Chiu’s leadership, the BDFP began as an idea and is now well underway to replace the aging digester facilities at the SEP with new, expanded, reliable, and modern solids treatment facilities.
Project Pull is a summer internship program that hosts San Francisco Bay Area youth. The program provides opportunities in partnership with the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) and other public service sectors, giving a vast amount of different experiences interns can take away from the program. Interns are placed in various City departments, ranging from Engineering to Communications to Health Inspection. This class of interns was chosen from a pool of hundreds of applicants. Three interns recounted their experiences, including two returners and one first-year intern. Micah
San Francisco residents can help by adopting a rain garden and becoming a Rain Guardian. By doing so, you are pledging to keep an adopted rain garden free of trash and debris. The SFPUC Rain Guardians Program is one part of a city-wide effort to ensure San Francisco is as resilient and sustainable as possible in the face of intensifying storms. The City is working to meet its goal to manage one billion gallons of stormwater annually using Green Infrastructure by 2050.