Active Alerts

If you are experiencing a water, power, or sewer emergency or service problem call our 24-hour hotline at 3-1-1 or (415) 701-2311 from outside SF or log on at Learn more or review active service alerts.
When we support Black-owned businesses, we support Black communities. August is a time to acknowledge, celebrate and support Black-owned businesses in San Francisco and throughout the United States. By shaking up our buying habits, we can contribute to strengthening Black businesses, encouraging job growth, and closing gaps in equity and opportunity. A proud CleanPowerSF SuperGreen customer and San Francisco novelty, Excelsior Coffee energizes and warms the heart of its community by giving back through its business. Partners in life and love, Lea and Andre Higginbotham, who are proud Excelsior
The work of the SFPUC helps protect our communities and environment by ensuring our sewer system is well-functioning and ready for the next earthquake. After years of planning for major upgrades, the Southeast Treatment Plant (SEP) is undergoing an extreme makeover that will utilize state-of-the-industry technology and innovations to protect against earthquakes and sea-level rise. Major construction activities on multiple projects at the SEP kicked into high gear in 2018. Odor control, critical redundancies, modern equipment, and facilities – these and other key elements of the upgrades are at