Active Alerts

If you are experiencing a water, power, or sewer emergency or service problem call our 24-hour hotline at 3-1-1 or (415) 701-2311 from outside SF or log on at Learn more or review active service alerts.
Local nature lovers can enjoy the rare opportunity to hike, bike (motorized vehicles are prohibited, including motorized or electric bikes or scooters), or ride their horses through pristine stands of old growth Douglas Fir, evergreen and fragrant coastal scrub while enjoying ridge-top vistas of our watershed lands, reservoirs, the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay. Trained volunteer trail leaders will head excursions three days a week. Small groups of hikers, bicyclists, or equestrians can now make reservations for guided excursions along the Fifield-Cahill Ridge Trail. Because of
Explore our rebates that lower the cost of a cistern or rain barrel for your home or business, enabling you to harness the bounty of rain we receive in our city. Rainwater harvesting is the practice of collecting and using rainwater from hard surfaces such as roofs for landscape irrigation or toilet flushing. A rainwater harvesting system can be as simple as using a rain barrel or installing a large cistern. Capturing rainwater at your home or business reduces drinking water otherwise needed for irrigation and helps reduce runoff from entering our combined sewer system during storm events
Help keep San Francisco’s rain gardens clean and your neighborhood beautiful! The SFPUC has launched the Rain Guardians program! Similar to our popular Adopt-A-Drain program, the Rain Guardians program enables San Francisco residents to become “guardians” of our new rain gardens. Visit to join now! What will Rain Guardians do? Rain gardens are a green infrastructure feature that take advantage of the natural processes of soils and plants in order to slow down and clean stormwater and keep it from overwhelming the City's sewer system. Rain gardens are typically depressed below
Join thousands of local volunteers, adopt one of the 25,000 storm drains in our beautiful city, and pledge to keep it free of debris at
The next time you are out in the City, bring your reusable container and fill up at any of our free water bottle refilling "tap" stations! Find the one closest to you, or the closet public restroom, anywhere in San Francisco with our interactive map. You can also access a link to Google Maps directions by clicking on any pin in the map. Our city’s drinking water is rigorously tested, safe, delicious, and free at these locations. Choose tap over bottled water when you’re on the go. About San Francisco's DrinkTap Program Since 2010, we have installed outdoor tap stations around our city to