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If you are experiencing a water, power, or sewer emergency or service problem call our 24-hour hotline at 3-1-1 or (415) 701-2311 from outside SF or log on at Learn more or review active service alerts.
The Water Conservation Showcase is free to the public. This is made possible through the work of the Water Conservation Showcase partners: AIA SF COTE, East Bay Municipal Utility District, San Francisco Public Utilities, San Jose Water, Pacific Gas & Electric, USGBC Northern California, City of Sacramento, Sacramento Regional Water Authority and showcase sponsors. The showcase includes presentations on water conservation technologies and strategies, an expo hall, workshops, tours and an art exhibit. Lunch provided. Education sessions will be submitted for GBCI and AIA continuing education
Wastewater entering San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) treatment plants contains low levels of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), primarily from homes but also from businesses and office buildings. We do not produce or introduce PFAS in any way. For background information about PFAS and associated health risks, as well as information about PFAS and drinking water, see the PFA's and drinking water fact sheet . We are working with our partners to monitor and develop solutions that address this emerging contaminant. The SFPUC is participating in a study to