If you are experiencing a water, power, or sewer emergency or service problem call our 24-hour hotline at 3-1-1 or (415) 701-2311 from outside SF or log on at sf311.org. Learn more or review active service alerts.
We want to help you save money while saving water, keeping our city clean, and helping to manage stormwater, so we offer numerous grants to residents and businesses.
This is a limited pilot program to provide grant funding for the installation of green stormwater infrastructure projects on small residential properties.
Floodwater Management Grant Assistance Program was launched in 2013 to help property owners in San Francisco minimize the risk of flooding on their properties due to heavy rainstorms.
The Large Landscape Grant Program provides retail water service customers funding for projects that result in significant and permanent reduction in potable water use for landscape irrigation.
SFPUC partners with the Community Challenge Grant Program to offer grants for community-based projects which help manage stormwater using green infrastructure.
The Onsite Water Reuse Grant Program helps support customer efforts to implement sustainable water practices in San Francisco and offset SFPUC water use.