Water Service Installation
Does your redevelopment, new build, or remodel project need new water service? A Water Service Installation Request Application must be submitted for any modifications to or requests for new water service facilities.
Before You Visit our Office
Applicants must acquire all San Francisco Department of Building Inspection (DBI) and San Francisco Fire Department (SFFD) permits and approvals necessary before applying for services with the SFPUC New Installations Unit. DBI approval includes receipt of all SFPUC Water and Wastewater Capacity Charge payments due.
Applicants applying for a site permit for a project that includes new construction of a multi-family residential structure, mixed-use residential and commercial structure, or condominiums (regardless whether the individual dwelling units will be rented or owned) must comply with the SB 7 requirement. See more information on Residential Submetering.
All residential, commercial, municipal, and mixed-use projects installing or modifying 500 square feet or more of landscape area must comply with Water Efficient Landscape requirements.
Owners of properties within designated recycled water use areas are required to comply with Recycled Water Use requirements if they have: (1) 40,000 sq ft or more of new construction or major alterations to a building; (2) are subdivisions; or (3) have 10,000 sq ft or more of new or existing landscaping not constructed in conjunction with a development project.
Water Service Forms & Installations
For the appropriate forms to complete, please contact SFPUC Customer Services’ New Service Installations by email at NIapprovals@sfwater.org or at (415) 551-2900.
- Installation Process Overview
- Backflow Prevention Survey
- Fixture Count Form
- Hydraulic Analysis Request
- Fire Hydrant Estimate Request
- New Water Service Installation Application
- SFPUC Checklist
SFPUC Charges for Installation of Water Services and/or Facilities
Every year on July 1, the SFPUC Commission establishes schedules of standard charges for single and multiple water services installations. Large, complex new water facility installations may require a custom cost proposal. The SFPUC will determine whether an installation qualifies for standard charges or a custom cost proposal during the Application Process. Additional field tests or analyses may be required to approve the Application and determine the SFPUC fees for the requested services.
Part 1: Applying for Service
- Application
Applications for new water service installations may be submitted via email to NIapprovals@sfwater.org or in person by appointment only at 525 Golden Gate Avenue, 2nd Floor, San Francisco. To schedule an appointment, please call SFPUC Customer Services’ New Service Installations at (415) 551-2900 and provide an email address to receive a meeting invite. - Fixture Count
Applicant must provide a fixture count in order to determine meter size for each service. - Signature
Application processing requires a signature agreeing to SFPUC’s Water Service Rules & Regulations for Service Installations and Water Supply. - Submittals/Approvals
SFPUC will assist Applicant in identifying the types of services needed and filling out the submittals, forms and/or approvals required based on types of services being requested. Find out more about our Water, Power, Sewer, and Stormwater Requirements. - Fees
When the Application order is confirmed, Applicant will receive SFPUC fees for the request including additional Terms & Conditions to complete the work. See our current flat rate fees. - Application Approval
Upon receiving all the required approvals identified in the Application and receipt of payment, the Application is complete and services will be ordered.
- Application
Parts 2: Field Construction
For most Water Service Requests, Field Construction is as follows:
- Site Planning
SFPUC Construction teams process and review the service order, conduct a site visit to plan the layout of the services and facilities, and obtain required permits to complete the work. Applicants are encouraged to be available to meet on-site with SFPUC staff to assist site planning.
- Site Preparation
SFPUC sets No Parking signage for work period and returns to sawcut the street for trench(es) for service laterals, meter boxes and main connection, as applicable.
- Scheduling
SFPUC secures and schedules the materials and crews to perform the Construction.
- Construction
SFPUC Construction Crews install or remove all water services and/or facilities ordered, backfill the trench(es), temporarily restore street and sidewalk, and turn on water service.
- Site Restoration
A paving crew permanently restores street and sidewalk pavement in the trenched area(s).
- Fire Service
For fire service follow up work, Applicant must contact the SFPUC and SFFD for additional visits and required Construction steps outlined on “Gateroom Site Visit.” (PDF)
Construction Schedule & Costs
SFPUC requires a minimum of 65 working days to complete “Part 2 – Field Construction” activities and additional time may be required if:
- the project is in the affected Holiday Moratorium area
- the project is large (more than 3 services and/or more than one service larger than 4-inch in size)
- the project is complex, requiring permits from multiple agencies and/or is on busy commercial street(s)
- the access to the site is restricted
Additional fees may be required and delays encountered if Applicants or its agents cause:
- SFPUC to make multiple site visits and/or mobilizations to complete construction
- SFPUC to complete the service terminations more than 5 business days after completing the construction of new services
A fee will be imposed on Applicant if any SFPUC meter is removed by someone other than SFPUC personnel on service terminations.
Phased Work
If SFPUC is not allowed to complete the full project in a continuous work phase (i.e. all items ordered cannot happen together and/or over consecutive business days), then Applicant must apply for services in multiple phases accordingly.
- Site Planning
Part 3: Utility Service Agreement & Account Setup
To ensure accurate setup of Utility accounts and subsequent billing, the Applicant is required to complete the following:
- Schedule a ‘What Meter Serves” (WMS) Inspection
A WMS is required to ensure accurate billing of water and wastewater charges. The Inspection will verify and confirm that the installation(s) were completed per specification. A plumbing test is performed to determine what fixtures the meter is serving. Access to the entire building must be provided at time of inspection. To schedule an appointment, contact New Installations at (415) 551-2900.
- Schedule a Final Backflow Assembly Inspection
For projects requiring a backflow assembly, scheduling of a final inspection is required within 48 hours of the meter and service line installation.
⇒ To schedule an appointment, contact our Water Quality Division at (650) 652-3199.
⇒ Failure to schedule final inspection may result in fines and loss of water service on fire and domestic supplies. - Submittals
Upon completion of a multi-family residential project, the Applicant is required to provide the SFPUC with a copy of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) and/or a Certificate of Final Completion (CFC)/Certificate of Final Completion and Occupancy (CFO) issued by the San Francisco Department of Building Inspection (DBI). These documents can be submitted to SFPUC in person or via email at the New Service Installations.
- Account Holder
If the account holder has changed since the Application was processed, the new account holder must contact New Installations at (415) 551-2900 to set up the account.
Failure to comply with the above requirements may result in fines or the disconnection of water service.
If you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact:
New Service Installations
Monday through Friday 8am- 5pm
525 Golden Gate Avenue, 2nd floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 551-2900 - Schedule a ‘What Meter Serves” (WMS) Inspection
New Fire Service Connection Process Overview
SFPUC Gateroom Site Visit
- New Service Construction Work
New service construction work is completed by the SFPUC including installation of the fire service line. The water to the fire service line is left off at this step.
- Appointment with SFPUC and SFFD
To meet fire service requirements and initiate water service, the Applicant is required to coordinate scheduling an appointment together with the San Francisco Fire Department (SFFD) and the SFPUC Gateroom to flush and turn on the water service. First, call the SFFD Bureau of Inspection to request a district inspection at (415) 558-3300. Then schedule with SFPUC’s Gateroom by calling (415) 550-4950 within a minimum 48 hours’ notice of the scheduled inspection.
- Hydrostatic Testing
Prior to the Gateroom Site Visit, Applicant must perform hydrostatic testing on the Applicant-side service line and must set up a system for the Line Flushing. The set up includes disconnection of breakdown piece before the Backflow Assembly and setting up 2″-3″ hoses with burlap sacks on the end for capturing materials and draining flush water to the sewer system. Note: Applicant may not pressure test against SFPUC’s gate valve. An isolation flange must be installed at the point of connection to the SFPUC’s water service.
- Site Visit
Applicant’s Contractor must be present as needed to accomplish the following work in one SFPUC/SFFD Site Visit. The process typically takes an hour and includes the following steps:
- SFPUC turns on water to perform fire service line flush
- Subsequent flushes are performed as required until SFFD approves flush results
- Applicant reconnects breakdown piece to the Backflow Assembly and removes existing factory-set meter on the Backflow Assembly, if applicable
- SFPUC installs red-top SFPUC-owned fire service meter and remote reading device on Applicant Backflow Assembly
- SFPUC turns on water service
Final Backflow Assembly Inspection
Within 48 hours of the Gateroom Site Visit, Applicant must contact the SFPUC’s Water Quality Division at (650) 652-3199 to setup an appointment for a final backflow assembly inspection. Failure to schedule final inspection may result in fines and loss of water service on fire and domestic supplies.
Important Notes
- Applicant-caused delays that result in the failure to complete Gateroom Site Visit during one site visit may result in an increased charge for the subsequent visit and delay of water service and permit-to-occupy.
- SFPUC strictly prohibits the operation of SFPUC Water Department valves at any time by anyone other than SFPUC personnel. If an SFPUC service line is flushed or activated without SFPUC approval and by non-SFPUC personnel, it will result in an immediate water service disruption to both fire and domestic services and Applicant may be subject to additional fines and penalties.
- New Service Construction Work