Water-Saving Devices
There are two ways you can receive free water-saving devices from the SFPUC.
- Schedule a Water-Wise Phone Consultation, during which we will provide you customized water-saving advice and determine what free water-saving devices would work best for your property. If you are eligible for devices, we will deliver them to your property or
- If you own, live in, or are the water account holder for a single family or small multi-family building (under 10 dwelling units), you can pick up devices at our customer service counter at 525 Golden Gate Avenue, Monday through Friday from 10am – 2pm. Property owners, water account holders, and tenants are eligible to pick up free devices with proof of residency. Non-residential property owners, customers and tenants must schedule a Water-Wise consultation to receive devices.
Free devices are limited to properties that have not received them in the last 5 years unless they are for portions of the property not previously served.
To find out more and to submit a phone consultation request, please register online under the 'Phone Consultation' program. The best way to schedule with us is online. If you do not have access to a computer or smart phone, please leave a message on our water conservation phone line at (415) 551-4730 and someone will contact you to schedule the appointment.
Following are the FREE water saving devices and publications you may be eligible to receive, depending on the findings of your Water-Wise Phone Consultation:
Kitchen/Basin Faucet Aerators
Installing aerators on kitchen and bathroom faucets is an easy way to reduce water use. Single family home: 1 kitchen aerator and up to 3 bathroom aerators per home; Multi-family building under 10 dwelling units: 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom aerator per unit; and Large multi-family and commercial properties: determined during Water-Wise Evaluation
Water-Efficient Showerheads and Shower Timers
New, improved showerhead technologies deliver good performance at efficient flow rates of 1.5 gallons per minute and save thousands of gallons per year. A simple shower timer placed under your showerhead can help you keep showers to under 5 minutes. Single family home: 2 per home; Multi-family building under 10 dwelling units: 1 per dwelling unit; and Large multi-family and commercial properties: determined during Water-Wise Evaluation
Toilet Flapper
Over time, the flapper in your toilet tank can become worn and result in leaks. Single family home: 2 per home; Multi-family building under 10 dwelling units: 1 per dwelling unit ; and Large multi-family and commercial properties: determined during Water-Wise Evaluation
Toilet Fill Valve
Fill valves refill water in the tank after each flush. They can stop working properly over time and lead to leaks. If we find a leaky fill valve that can be replaced with a standard model, we’ll provide one for you to replace on the spot. All properties: Available only during a Water-Wise Evaluation
Flow Measurement Bags
Using a flow measurement bag will help you determine how many gallons per minute is flowing through your showerhead(s) and faucets. Single family and multi-family properties under 10 units: 1 per home available at counter pick up. Otherwise, 1 per property available during a Water-Wise Evaluation.
Toilet Tank Dye Tablets
Conducting a dye test in toilet tanks can identify costly and wasteful silent leaks. All properties: Packs available upon request at our Customer Service Counter or during a Water-Wise Evaluation.
Pre-Rinse Spray Valves
Restaurants and food service operations that use pre-rinse spray valves to remove food from dirty dishes before washing can reduce water use by replacing old valves with water-efficient models that use under a gallon a minute. The SFPUC provides valves only during Water-Wise Evaluations.
Garden Spray Nozzle and Soil Moisture Meters
Reduce outdoor water waste by ensuring your hose has an automatic shut-off nozzle. Portable soil moisture meters are placed at the root zone to determine if the soil needs to be watered. Single family and under 10 dwelling unit multi-family properties: 1 per property available at Customer Service Center pick up or during a Water-Wise Evaluation. For large multi-family and commercial properties, available only during a Water-Wise Evaluation.
Practical Plumbing Handbook
Learn how preventative maintenance can lead to significant water savings. This handbook provides information about plumbing fixtures and do-it-yourself repairs. Single family and multi-family properties under 10 units: one per home available at counter pick up. Otherwise, one per property available during a Water-Wise Evaluation. (Available in English and Spanish).
Leak Guide
The SFPUC Leak Guide (Chinese) (Spanish) provides detailed information on how to identify common indoor and outdoor leaks at home. The guide is available to view or download at the link above, or 1 hard copy per property can be provided to single family and under 10 dwelling unit multi-family properties at our Customer Service Center or during a Water-Wise Evaluation.
Water Wise Gardening Guidebook
This guide provides water-efficient landscape and irrigation tips or advice for your next garden project and garden maintenance that can save you time, water and money.
Sustainable Landscapes Maintenance Guide
This guide is intended to serve as a helpful resource for maintaining low-water use landscapes and identifying how to improve irrigation system efficiency.