When: Construction began at Webster and Grove Streets, proceeding toward McAllister St. They will then continue along Webster Street to Eddy Street; then along Eddy Street to Buchanan Street.
Project completion is anticipated by April 2025. Weather and construction issues could impact the schedule.
General workdays and hours (weather permitting) are Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Some night and weekend work may be required.

Why: To ensure reliable water and sewer service in your neighborhood, we are replacing pipes that are approaching the end of their useful life and installing new water and sewer pipelines.
What to expect during construction: Water main installation is done in phases, so work will not be happening on your block for the entire project duration. There may also be periods of inactivity during the work dates. Local access for residents will be provided at all times during work hours, though there may be some slight delay to enter or exit your property/driveway to allow for crews to create a safe path of travel.