Payment Method Options
Water and Sewer Bill Payment Options
The following payment options are available for your convenience. Bills are due and payable fifteen (15) days after the bill date. Any charges not paid fifteen (15) days from the due date will be assessed a late payment penalty fee. Learn more about our policy Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment.
Payment by U.S. Mail
Send the bottom portion of the bill with check or money order payable to San Francisco Water to P.O. Box 7369, San Francisco, CA 94120-7369. DO NOT MAIL CASH.
Pay Online
- Sign up with our SFPUC BillPay service by logging onto MyAccount.
- Register with your own financial institution's BillPay service.
- Use a bill payment service provider such as Checkfree.
- Make a one-time online payment with credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, debit card, eCheck, or eCash) at SF Water EZ-Pay. There is a payment limit of $1,000 within a 30-day period for credit and debit card payments only. The cash option allows for payments only at 7-Eleven stores using a barcode downloaded from the EZ-Pay site.
- Sign up for automatic payment service or use For an authorization form or additional information, please call (415) 551-3000 or email us at
Pay by Phone
- Call (415) 551-3000, follow the recorded instructions and choose “Pay By Phone”
- Call (844) 737-8222 for our automated payment service provider
Pay in Person
In-Person Onsite Hours at our building at 525 Golden Gate Avenue is 9am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding legal holidays. You may drop also off your check and money order payments in our drop box located on the right side wall of the main entrance of our building OR pay cash at 7-Eleven Stores. Do not leave cash payment in the drop box.
Customer Service Phone & Email Assistance: 9am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding legal holidays.
By cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, ATM cards at the following locations:
7-Eleven Stores
Cash only, minimum payment of $10.00
Pay with cash at participating 7-Eleven Stores with an EZ-Pay barcode, downloadable at SF Water EZ-Pay. Most 7-Eleven Stores are open 24 Hours, check your nearest 7-Eleven Store for more details.San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
525 Golden Gate Avenue (at Polk Street), 1st Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102Our Customer Service & Cashier Counters are open to the public 9am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding legal holidays.
Note: A drop box is available after hours and is located to the right of the main entrance. Please use checks only when using the drop box.City Hall, Room 140
Cash and check payments only
1 Dr. Carlton Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94103
8am - 5pm, Monday through Friday (excluding legal holidays) -
Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment
On September 28, 2018, the California Legislature enacted Senate Bill 998 (Stat. 2018, Ch. 891), which amended the California Health and Safety Code to include a new chapter, California Health and Safety Code Section 116990 et seq., known as the "California Water Shutoff Protection Act" (the Act). The Act requires water systems like the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) to adopt, no later than February 1, 2020, a written policy on discontinuation of residential water service for nonpayment that includes a plan for deferred or reduced payments, alternative payment schedules, a formal mechanism for a customer to contest or appeal a bill, and a telephone number for a customer to call to discuss options to avoid discontinuation of residential service for nonpayment. Accordingly, SFPUC adopted a Policy on Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment to comply with the Act.
Translated Policies on Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment
Power Bill Payment Options
For Hetch Hetchy Power Customers
The following payment options are currently available for your convenience. Additional options will be available in the future. Bills are due and payable 15 (fifteen) days after the bill date. Any charges not paid 15 (fifteen) days from the due date will be assessed a late payment penalty fee.
Pay Online
- Enroll in My Account – Power and submit one-time or recurring automatic payments via your bank account (ACH). This payment service is provided free of any processing charges to you.
- Make a one-time online payment with credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, debit card, eCheck, or eCash) at SF Power EZ-Pay. There is a payment limit of $1,000 within a 30-day period for credit and debit card payments only.
- Use a bill payment service provider, such as CheckFree.
- Register with your own financial institution's BillPay service.
Pay by U.S. Mail (Do not mail cash)
Send the bottom portion of the bill with check or money order payable to:
San Francisco Power
P.O. Box 7868
San Francisco, CA 94120-7868Pay in Person
In-Person Onsite Hours at our building at 525 Golden Gate Avenue is 9am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding legal holidays. You may drop also off your check and money order payments in our drop box located on the right side wall of the main entrance of our building OR pay cash at 7-Eleven Stores. Do not leave cash payment in the drop box.
Customer Service Phone & Email Assistance: 9am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding legal holidays.
By cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, ATM cards at the following locations:
7-Eleven Stores (cash only, minimum payment of $10.00)
Pay with cash at participating 7-Eleven Stores with an EZ-Pay barcode, downloadable at SF Water EZ-Pay. Most 7-Eleven Stores are open 24 Hours, check your nearest 7-Eleven Store for more details.San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Building is open to the public 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding legal holidays
525 Golden Gate Avenue (at Polk Street), 1st Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102Our office building is open to the public from 9am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding legal holidays.
Note: A drop box is available after hours and is located to the right of the main entrance. Please use checks only when using the drop box. -
Third Party Notification Form
Some of our senior citizen or dependent adult customers have told us that they occasionally lose track of their water bill. We understand, and have a special program to assist. The Third Party Notification Plan can help you avoid possible termination of service for non-payment.
Under this plan, you choose a person or organization as your designated “third party.” This can be a friend, relative, minister, social agency or civic organization who can help you keep track of water service payments. The designated person is not responsible for paying the bill, but they can help make arrangements for payment.
Download the Third Party Notification Form and mail it to:
San Francisco Water Department
525 Golden Gate Avenue, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102