Debt Management and Disclosure Reports
Annual Unaudited Disclosure Reports
These Annual Disclosure Reports are being provided by the SFPUC in connection with our undertaking entered into in accordance with Rule 15c2-12, promulgated by the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission. The information provided in these reports speak only as of their respective dates. The delivery of these Annual Disclosure Reports may not, under any circumstances, create an implication that there has been no other change to the information provided in any final official statement. Other than as set forth in the Continuing Disclosure Agreement, SFPUC has not agreed to notify the secondary market of subsequent changes to the information in these Annual Disclosure Reports.
- Power Enterprise Annual Disclosure Report - FY Ended June 30, 2023
- Wastewater Enterprise Annual Disclosure Report - FY Ended June 30, 2023
- Water Enterprise Annual Disclosure Report - FY Ended June 30, 2023
- Power Enterprise Annual Disclosure Report - FY Ended June 30, 2022
- Wastewater Enterprise Annual Disclosure Report - FY Ended June 30, 2022
- Water Enterprise Annual Disclosure Report - FY Ended June 30, 2022
- Power Enterprise Annual Disclosure Report - FY Ended June 30, 2021
- Wastewater Enterprise Annual Disclosure Report - FY Ended June 30, 2021
- Water Enterprise Annual Disclosure Report - FY Ended June 30, 2021
Credit Ratings and Outstanding Debt
The tables provided below summarize the SFPUC’s outstanding debt, including CUSIP numbers for the final maturity, final maturity dates, original par amounts and par amounts outstanding.
- FYE 2024 Outstanding Debt Wastewater Revenue Bonds
- FYE 2024 Outstanding Debt Water Revenue Bonds
- FYE 2024 Outstanding Debt Power Revenue Bonds
- Credit Ratings - as of June 30, 2024
Debt Management Policies
SFPUC's debt management mission is to serve, within the financial objectives and parameters established by the Commission, the capital financing needs of the respective enterprises in a cost effective, low risk and flexible manner, through the implementation of sound financial decision making and the use of appropriate financing tools.
The Debt Policy of the City and County of San Francisco, established by the Mayor's Office of Public Finance and Business Affairs, summarizes the City's existing debt polices and formally establishes them for all future debt. From time to time, the Mayor's Office of Public Finance and Business Affairs may deviate from policies herein.
Green Bonds Reports
These Green Bonds Reports are being provided voluntarily by the SFPUC in connection with the issuance of Green Bonds. The delivery of these Green Bonds Reports may not, under any circumstances, create an implication that there has been no other change to the information provided in any final official statement.
- Water Enterprise - Green Bonds Annual Report - FY Ended June 30, 2023
- Power Enterprise - Green Bonds Annual Report - FY Ended June 30, 2023
- Wastewater Enterprise - Green Bonds Annual Report - FY Ended June 30, 2023
Green Bond Post-Issuance Verification Reports
Water Enterprise
- Water Revenue Bond (Green Bonds) 2016 Series C
- Water Revenue Bonds (Green Bonds) 2017 Series A
- Water Revenue Bonds (Refunding) (Green Bonds) 2017 Series D
- Water Revenue Bonds (Refunding) (Green Bonds) 2017 Series G
- Water Revenue Bonds (Refunding) (Green Bonds) 2019 Series A
- Water Revenue Bonds (Green Bonds) 2020 Series A
- Water Revenue Bonds (Refunding) (Green Bonds) 2020 Series E
- Water Revenue Bonds (Green Bonds) 2023 Series C
Wastewater Enterprise
- Wastewater Revenue Bonds (Green Bonds) Series 2016 A
- Wastewater Revenue Bonds (Green Bonds) 2018 Series A
- Wastewater Revenue Bonds (Green Bonds) 2018 Series C
- Wastewater Revenue Bonds (Green Bonds) 2021 Series A
- Wastewater Revenue Bonds (Green Notes) 2021 Series A
- Wastewater Revenue Bonds (Green Notes) 2021 Series B
- Wastewater Revenue Bonds (Green Bonds) 2023 Series A
- Wastewater Revenue Bonds (Refunding) (Green Bonds) 2023 Series C
IRMA Exemption Notice
By publicly posting the following written disclosure, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) intends that market participants (Dealers) receive and use it for purposes of qualifying for the independent registered municipal advisor exemption to Rule 15B of the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding Registration of Municipal Advisors (the SEC Municipal Advisor Rule).
- IRMA Exemption Notice dated as of October 31, 2024.

Investor Relations Site
Are you interested in our agency's Water Revenue Bonds? Learn more about municipal bond offerings from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Investor Relations site, including view bond ratings from S&P, Moody's, and Fitch. Go to the site.
The SFPUC provides certain information relating to its outstanding bonds to the Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA) system, operated by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) each year. Visit
Our site provides general financial information about the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission of the City and County of San Francisco (the Commission) and its outstanding bonds, notes or other obligations. The information is provided for quick reference only and is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the Commission's Bonds.
The SFPUC Investor Relations site provides general financial information about the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission of the City and County of San Francisco (the Commission) and its outstanding bonds, notes or other obligations. The information is provided for quick reference only and is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the Commission's Bonds.