Financial Plans and Policies
Each year, the SFPUC Financial Services staff seeks Commission adoption of the Charter-mandated Financial Plan for the 10-year planning horizon. This rolling 10-year plan is required by Charter Section 8B.123 and is revised annually as a part of the budget process. It serves as a multi-year financial planning tool.
The purpose of the plan is to estimate revenue and expenditure data in the form of annual revenue requirements, which are indications of future average rate changes. The financial ratios are indications the enterprise is projected to have sufficient resources to achieve adequate resources, coverage for debt service, fund balance and reserve requirements for both operating and capital needs over the period. The 10-year financial plan is also used to meet the City’s 5-year financial plan requirement.
The SFPUC is committed to responsible stewardship of the funds entrusted to our care. As required by the San Francisco Charter Section 8B.125, our long-range financial planning works to provide sufficient resources for the continued financial health (including appropriate reserves), operation, maintenance and repair of each enterprise, consistent with good utility practice. Our bond holders and our ratepayers depend on us to prudently and sustainably manage our finances, and we take seriously our commitment to provide affordable and reliable water, power and sewer services.
To support these goals, the Commission has adopted the following financial policies to guide decision-making when adopting budgets, capital plans, and rates. Through these policies and regular reporting on our compliance with them, we can transparently present our Enterprises’ financial health to ensure we make informed decisions that support the SFPUC’s mission and values.