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Coming Full Circle: Veterans Coming Home to Maceo May Apartments

Coming Full Circle: Veterans Coming Home to Maceo May Apartments
  • Elizabeth Grubb

In honor of Veterans Day, there’s no better time to share the full-circle story of Maceo May Apartments, a 100% affordable housing site energized by Hetch Hetchy Power. With 105 multi-family units, Maceo May provides a home to formerly unhoused veterans on Treasure Island, which was once a U.S. Naval base. Maceo May, the community’s namesake, was a Vietnam War veteran and a champion of affordable housing for veterans.

Veterans Day is a time to honor and remember the heroism and sacrifices of our veterans. But it is important that we also talk about the struggles that follow service. Nationally, over 10% of the unhoused population are veterans. Among unhoused veterans, Black and Hispanic veterans are disproportionately represented. The number of unhoused veterans in San Francisco has been declining since 2010, but there are still up to 600 veterans living on the streets every night.   

Maceo May Apartments provides vital housing and support to San Francisco’s formerly unhoused veterans. The apartments were formulated with a community-centered approach and trauma-informed design, both of which are crucial to supporting veterans with a history of mental health and chronic illnesses. The space brings people together and allows residents to enjoy nature with a community park and network of trails. There is also one case manager per eighteen residents to provide supportive services, a ratio higher than average for supportive housing in San Francisco. 

The design of the apartment complex prioritizes resilience and sustainability. The building features durable materials designed to withstand natural disasters and the effects of climate change. Maceo May is net-zero emissions capable and is an all-electric property (no natural gas) featuring 100% greenhouse gas-free electricity provided by Hetch Hetchy Power, rooftop solar panels and battery storage, and electric heat pump water heaters. Additionally, the building is well insulated and expected to use 70% less energy than the average multi-family building.

For formerly unhoused veterans, Maceo May is a newfound sense of relief, comfort, and joy. One resident said, “The day I moved into my own little place, heaven.” Other residents talked about a burgeoning community: “We already have a community of vets who know what each other is about.” This just goes to show the transformative power of quality, dignified housing in tandem with supportive services and community.  

Treasure Island was once home to a U.S. Naval Station. Now, it is home to Maceo May Apartments, serving those who served our country. As we celebrate Veterans Day, we sincerely thank all veterans for their bravery, heroism, and service.