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In 2023, 50 large downtown San Francisco buildings participated in Peak Day Pricing, a CleanPowerSF program that rewards customers for reducing their energy usage on days when California’s electric grid is particularly strained. The 2023 season, which ran from July to October, featured the most participants and largest load reduction in the program’s history. Overall, participants had a total electric load reduction of 90,000 kWh, which is equivalent to the amount of electricity needed to fully charge 1,500 electric vehicles.
This year, the Mayor recognized four women Climate Heroes for their positive impacts on the local environmental movement
The reliability of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission's (SFPUC) water supply system relies on the behind-the-scenes work of people like Ryan Macaulay, who received the "Exemplary Operations Supervisor Award" on March 26, 2024. Each Spring, the American Water Works Association's California-Nevada Section makes this award to an outstanding individual who has demonstrated exemplary performance in their work as an operations supervisor.