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The SFPUC is proud to light up much of San Francisco for the holidays with clean energy thanks to our Hetch Hetchy Power and CleanPowerSF programs.
San Francisco, CA – The San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH), with the assistance of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), has begun wastewater testing for substances such as fentanyl to track trends and inform response activities. San Francisco is one of 70 communities in the United States participating in the first-of-its-kind initiative by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to gauge and measure the presence of substances associated with adverse health consequences, including overdose, through wastewater testing.
The Modesto and Turlock Irrigation Districts (MID and TID) and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) are teaming up to design and implement a collaborative, holistic habitat restoration program along the lower Tuolumne River to improve the health and long-term recovery of the fishery and local communities it serves. MID, TID and the SFPUC are self-funding the $80 million program.
The construction fence along Evans Avenue has a fresh mural from Rankin to Quint Streets. As a small crowd of family and community members gathered to watch the mural be installed, the mural’s creator Afatasi The Artist eagerly pointed out key parts of her work.
As the New Headworks Facility Project progresses, a new art wall is being installed on the facility’s wall on Evans Avenue between Rankin and Quint Streets. Artist Norie Sato, who conceived the art, recently made a visit to watch the first panels of her work be installed.
This past November, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) staff from Distributed Energy Resources, Power Communications, and Policy and Government Affairs teams visited students at Abraham Lincoln High School who participated in the school’s Green Academy. The team presented on SFPUC Power programs and initiatives such as CleanPowerSF, Hetch Hetchy Power, Our City. Our Power., in addition to providing the students with an explanation of how solar power works and an overview of internship and career opportunities at the SFPUC. And to cap off the day, students got a personal tour of the Sunset Solar Array.