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With climate change, it’s important to better understand the frequency and strength of precipitation events and how they may affect inland flooding. San Francisco undertook a unique collaboration between a municipality, climate scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and climate consultants at Pathways Climate Institute to create a research team that focused on a better understanding of future precipitation events through climate modeling. Using supercomputing resources at LBNL’s National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, the research team found that the effect of
The Alternative Water Supply Plan is a roadmap to guide water supply planning to help address projected supply shortfalls through 2045. The Plan represents the current thinking guiding the development of alternative water supplies for the SFPUC and is expected to be updated in Fiscal Year 2026-2027 as more information on planning drivers becomes available. Version for Viewing Online: Alternative Water Supply Plan February 2024 Printable version: Alternative Water Supply Plan February 2024
This is a guide for officers and employees of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, the SFPUC Revenue Bond Oversight Committee, the SFPUC Rate Fairness Board, and the Residential Users Appeals Board about the kinds of activities that are incompatible with their public duties and therefore prohibited. Statement of Incompatible Activities