Active Alerts

If you are experiencing a water, power, or sewer emergency or service problem call our 24-hour hotline at 3-1-1 or (415) 701-2311 from outside SF or log on at Learn more or review active service alerts.
For those who surf, bike, walk, drive and live along the west side of San Francisco, Ocean Beach is a community treasure. But it is also a challenging environment, impacted by storm-driven waves and suffering from climate-induced erosion of the coastal bluffs. As climate change causes sea levels to rise, erosion is expected to worsen, narrowing the beach, and further threatening coastal infrastructure like our roads and critical underground sewers system facilities. At South Ocean Beach, shoreline erosion is threatening the most seaward component of the combined system — the Lake Merced Tunnel
April is Climate Action Month! Every decision you make helps build a more sustainable and resilient planet. Actions You Can Take Today Here are a few simple actions you can take when it comes to clean energy for you and your family. Renewable energy from solar and wind—not dirty fossil fuels—is better for your health, our community, and the planet. 1. Upgrade to 100% Renewable Energy If you are one of our 385,000 CleanPowerSF residential customers (check your next PG&E bill and look for our line item on the first page), you are already receiving at least 50% renewable energy for your home. But
The SFPUC has been critical in helping San Francisco meet its ambitious climate action goals and is a national leader in water recycling and reuse programs that help San Franciscans achieve some of California's lowest water consumption rates. Our energy programs, CleanPowerSF and Hetchy Hetchy Power, provide renewable energy and 100% greenhouse gas-free electricity to San Franciscans. We are also working to upgrade our aging combined sewer system and transform San Francisco’s stormwater resiliency by implementing different types of green infrastructure throughout the City. Learn more about
Tim Paez, a Wastewater Control Inspector for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission’s (SFPUC’s), Wastewater Enterprise, Collection System Division (CSD), helped set up wastewater sampling sites throughout San Francisco for COVID research. A "once in a lifetime" experience that he says was influenced by his early childhood and life experiences. He didn’t know it at the time, but his early years of being a Boy Scout for 10 years and getting outdoors and camping helped him contextualize the importance of the natural environment to healthy urban living. His mother worked for the U.S. Coast