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Congratulations to the Force Main Rehabilitation at Embarcadero and Jackson Improvements Project team for completing their project in early 2022! Upgrades to the North Shore Force Main marks the final step in providing redundant, reliable sewer services to more than 350,000 residents and businesses in the northeastern part of San Francisco. The Final Step of Many The North Shore Force Main is a pressurized sewer pipeline that transports wastewater (sanitary sewage and stormwater) in northern San Francisco to the Southeast Treatment Plant in the Bayview. This critical part of the city’s sewer
Infrastructure is something many of don’t think about and take for granted. Just like turning on the water faucet and getting clean, delicious tasting water; or flushing the toilet; or charging your mobile device. When infrastructure is done right, it blends into the background. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted how important essential workers are to the health and productivity of a community. Many of these essential workers maintain, build, or support the infrastructure systems we rely on. In celebration of United for Infrastructure Week on May 16-20, let’s take a moment to appreciate the
On a sunny Monday morning this past winter, Construction Manager Ryan Cayabyab took a few minutes out of his day to talk about his work and reflect on growing up Filipino American. Cayabyab is the Construction Manager on the SFPUC’s Biosolids Digester Facilities Project (BDFP) , the SFPUC’s largest infrastructure project under the Sewer System Improvement Program. Under Cayabyab’s leadership, the BDFP is replacing and relocating the existing digester facilities at the Southeast Treatment Plant with new, expanded, reliable, and modern solids treatment facilities. Growing up in San Francisco