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Finding and evaluating new sources of water supply is very complicated, and these projects take decades to plan and design. These planning tools and documents reflect our ongoing planning efforts. We update them regularly. Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) The UWMP will provide an overview of our water deliveries and uses, water supply sources, and water conservation programs. It will also include discussions on supply and demand projections over a 25-year planning horizon (from 2020 to 2045), available water supplies to meet existing and future demands under a range of water supply
The goal of the Alternative Supply Planning Program is to evaluate all potential sources of future water supply and begin the hard work of bringing some of those sources online so they are available in the coming decades.
Connecting Public Art to People and Place Innovation at the SFPUC includes our approach to supporting public art in San Francisco neighborhoods. Each new aboveground capital improvement project in the City launches a new public art project, and each new public art project begins with an intentional effort to align our investment in public art with local communities and the environmental mission of the SFPUC. Through this innovative approach we strive to commission public art connected to people and place. Public Art Art brings people together, creates shared experiences, stimulates
Hetch Hetchy Power is the cleanest, most cost-effective electricity for large commercial and residential developments.
Stormwater schoolyards prioritize multi-purpose infrastructure that delivers stormwater performance while enhancing children’s learning and play opportunities. School districts are one of the largest land managers in every city across the United States. In California alone, more than 130,000 acres are managed by public school districts. San Francisco has identified schools as a critical partner to implementing green infrastructure citywide, understanding they provide a unique opportunity to manage stormwater while delivering significant co-benefits to students, teachers, and the community
Your local, clean electricity provider CleanPowerSF offers renewable, affordable, and accessible energy to over 380,000 residents and businesses in San Francisco.
From energy efficiency incentives to 100% RPS-certified renewable electricity, we've got you covered.