Join us for the 15th Annual Construction Contractors Breakfast as we empower those in the trades by providing tips on pre-apprenticeship programs, skill-building, and navigating the contract bidding process.
Breakfast Program
- Welcome: Kathryn How, Mistress of Ceremony, SFPUC Assistant General Manager, Infrastructure
- Opening Remarks: Michael Carlin, SFPUC Acting General Manager
- Presentations
- Katie Miller, SFPUC Director, Water Capital Programs
Updates on 10 Year Water Capital Programs - Alan Johanson, SFPUC Manager, Construction Management Bureau
Upcoming Infrastructure Construction Management Contracts - Stephen Robinson, SFPUC Director, Infrastructure Wastewater Capital Programs
Presentation on Wastewater Enterprise Capital Improvement Projects
- Katie Miller, SFPUC Director, Water Capital Programs
- Closing Remarks: Kathryn How
- Conclusion