Geary Boulevard Sewer and Water Improvements Phase 2
Aging water and sewer pipelines are being replaced or rehabilitated on Geary Boulevard between 32nd Avenue and Stanyan Street. Most of this infrastructure is over 120 years old, dating back to the late-1800’s when it was installed for the early development of the Richmond District.
Sewer upgrades will improve system reliability, increase capacity, and reduce the risk of flooding and backups for residents and businesses. Water system upgrades will improve water pressure, flow and reliability for homes, businesses, and firefighting. Approximately 1.4 miles of sewer mains and 6.7 miles of water mains will be replaced or rehabilitated.
The project is split into two segments - Segment A: 32nd Avenue to 12th Avenue; Segment B: 12th Avenue to Stanyan Street. Work will begin in Segment A.
Construction Look Ahead*:
Here is where crews are expected to be working in the upcoming weeks. Temporary parking restrictions will be necessary in active work zones during construction hours.
Week of January 20
- Excavation and sewer main replacement: Geary Boulevard between 24th and 27th avenues (north side)
- Locate underground utilities (potholing): Geary Boulevard between 12th and 14th avenues (north side) and 6th to 8th avenues
Week of January 27
- Excavation and sewer main replacement: Geary Boulevard between 24th and 27th avenues (north side); Intersection of 29th Avenue
- Locate underground utilities (potholing): Geary Boulevard between Funston and 17th avenues (north side)
Week of February 3
- Excavation and sewer main replacement: Intersections of Geary Boulevard and 21st Avenue, 16th Avenue, and 15th Avenue
- Locate underground utilities (potholing): Geary Boulevard between 18th and 22nd avenues (north side)
*Schedule subject to change
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Project Overview
The first phase of improvements along the Geary corridor was completed in 2021. That phase rehabilitated or replaced approximately 2.5 miles of aging sewers and replaced approximately 5.8 miles of aging water lines along Geary Boulevard from 48th to 32nd avenues and from Presidio Avenue to Kearny Street. Additional upgrades and transit improvements were also completed from Stanyan to Market streets.
The second phase of Geary Boulevard work will bring these improvements to more of the corridor between 32nd Avenue and Stanyan Street.
Work will include:
Water System Upgrades: Rehabilitate or replace water mains and connect existing service laterals. This will involve a temporary interruption of water service to connect individual property's water laterals to the new water main. Advance notice will be provided. Work may be performed at night to accommodate neighborhood businesses which are affected by the temporary interruption of water service.
Sewer System Upgrades: Rehabilitate or replace sewer main and connect existing laterals. Sewer service in the area will not be interrupted.
Transit and Safety Improvements: Work by the SFMTA, including sidewalk extensions (“bulbs”), new pedestrian medians and traffic signal work will be performed at spot locations. Learn more at
Roadway repaving: Once the entire project has been completed, final paving will be performed by SF Public Works.
We will be partnering with the SFMTA on this project. By partnering with other City departments, we can, when possible, time these crucial pipeline upgrades in coordination with other City projects. We call this our 'dig once' approach. Upgrading water and sewer pipes together with the SFMTA's planned surface level improvements minimizes disruption to the communities we serve. It also maximizes City resources by combining efforts into these large projects.
Construction Timeline
Construction Start: October 2024
Construction End: Fall 2027
Small Business Working Group
The Geary Boulevard Small Business Working Group has been developed to provide a space for merchants and the Project Team to engage on a regular schedule to share updates, explore challenges, discuss ways to reduce impacts and encourage business in the area during construction.
Members must be a business owner or representative of an establishment located on Geary Boulevard between 32nd Avenue and Stanyan Street, or on an adjacent block within this area.
Monthly meetings are focused on coordination between the Project Team and working group members on various topics, including:
- How to reduce construction impacts
- Ways to support businesses and encourage patronage during construction
- Ensuring information from the Project Team is reaching the intended audience, and exploring additional ways to extend reach and impact of project materials and updates
- Sharing updates and upcoming changes in work, sequencing, etc.
Next Meeting:
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 9:00 am
Project Materials
Fact Sheets
Presentations- Geary CAC Presentation - 10.11.2023
- Geary CAC Presentation - 7.10.2024
- Wastewater Subcommittee CAC Presentation - 9.11.2024
- Community Webinar Presentation - 10.09.2024
Community Webinar
October 2024 Community Webinar
Presentation by: Derek Adams, Project Manager, and Shalon Rogers, Public Outreach Manager -
Frequently Asked Questions
Read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Contact Information
(415) 554-3258