Water System Upgrades: Rehabilitate or replace water mains and connect existing water service lines - anticipated to last approximately one to two months per segment, depending on segment length and site conditions.
Curb Ramps: Accessibility improvements at curbs and sidewalks - expected to take between one to two weeks per curb ramp to allow time for the concrete to cure. Work will take place in the public right of way, and in some instances, where residents have vegetation or landscaping in those areas, it may need to be altered or removed.
Roadway Repaving: Once the entire project has been completed, final paving will be performed which is expected to take a few days per block.
Check out our What to Expect During Construction fact sheet for a helpful overview.
Construction activities on any given block will occur at various times over the course of the work. Work will not be happening on your block for the entire project duration. Water main installation is done in phases, so there may be periods of inactivity during the work dates.
Water main installation involves street excavation throughout the project area. This work may create noise, vibration, dust, and parking/traffic impacts in the work zone.
Traffic control and "No Parking/Tow Away" signs will be posted when we are getting ready to begin work on your block. Local access for residents, deliveries, and emergency services will be provided at all times during work hours. We request that you assist us by limiting your use of the roadways within the construction work areas during working hours for the safety of the public and our employees, and to park in driveways or on adjacent blocks when No Parking zones are posted.
Should you need access to your property/driveway during work hours, please alert a crew member on site. Please note that there may be some slight delay to enter or exit your property/driveway to allow for crews to create a safe path of travel.
Water system upgrades will involve a temporary interruption of water services to connect each property's water service to the new water main. Advanced notice will be provided to affected properties when a brief water service disruption is required.
Although some inconvenience due to construction activity may be possible, we will do our best to minimize impacts as we work to complete these necessary utility infrastructure upgrades.