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Lake Merced West Project


Schematic map showing location of project site at Southwest corner of Lake MercedThe Lake Merced West project is a multi-phase plan to restore landscape and create a new recreational resource on approximately 11 acres at 520 John Muir Drive, on the southwest side of Lake Merced in southwestern San Francisco. The project will occur on land owned by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) and jointly administered with the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department (RPD).  

Scope of Work
To prepare the project site, the SFPUC will oversee the following:

  • Demolition of old buildings and structures onsite that contain lead and asbestos. 
  • Excavation and remediation of residual lead shot and other potentially carcinogenic material from old clay pigeon targets
  • Dispose of all contaminated materials, lead shot and debris offsite
  • General restoration of excavated areas
  • Repair of existing restroom onsite (Restroom will be available to the public following completion of site remediation)

Overhead view of project area

Satellite image of Lake Merced West project site on John Muir Boulevard

Through this project the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department (RPD) will eventually create and maintain recreation activities at Lake Merced West through selection and oversight of a concessionaire that will construct and operate the facility. The first phase will be undertaken by the SFPUC, which will complete the preparation of the site by removing derelict structures and ensuring any remaining contaminants are cleared away. It is anticipated that the SFPUC will follow this work with another project to construct an arborist facility at that location. After this, the rest of the Lake Merced West project will be completed by RPD, which will work with stakeholders on the recreational elements to be included.

View of former skeet shooting platforms

View of Lake Merced West site showing former skeet shooting platforms


  • Construction Start: Fall 2024
  • Construction End: Spring 2025
  • Project Phase: Bid & Award