June 7, 2024
SFPUC Contact:
Nancy Crowley
SF Drinking Water Meets or Surpasses all State and Federal Standards
SFPUC Releases Annual Water Quality Report, Which Highlights Nearly 100,000 Water Tests in One Year
SAN FRANCISCO – For the 28th consecutive year, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) published its Annual Water Quality Report, now available online, showcasing its high-quality, reliable drinking water, which meets or exceeds all state and federal standards.

“The water we deliver to homes, businesses, and partner water agencies around the Bay Area is some of the best in the country,” said SFPUC General Manager Dennis Herrera. “We provide millions of Bay Area residents with clean and affordable drinking water to support their businesses, families, and livelihoods, which also saves them money because there is no need to buy bottled water or home water treatment devices. The nearly 100,000 drinking water tests we conducted this year on the supply for San Francisco alone confirm that we deliver some of the highest quality tap water in the country.”
More than 2.7 million residents in four Bay Area counties and thousands of businesses depend on the SFPUC for some or all of their drinking water. Access to clean water is essential for life and public health. San Francisco’s Hetch Hetchy Regional Water system has also been a key driver in the Bay Area's economic growth over the last 100 years, while helping to sustain Northern California's complex and diverse ecosystems.

The SFPUC carefully manages the watershed lands that provide our source water. This includes partnering with the National Park Service for protecting the area around Hetch Hetchy Reservoir in Yosemite National Park, as well as protecting 60,000 acres of watershed lands in Alameda, Santa Clara, and San Mateo counties.
For example, our Peninsula watershed alone serves as a habitat for 800 species of plants and trees, 165 bird species, 50 mammal species, and other wildlife, many of which have disappeared from other parts of the Bay Area. That watershed protects at least six federally threatened or endangered wildlife species: the federally endangered mission blue butterfly, San Bruno elfin butterfly, and San Francisco garter snake, and the federally threatened California red-legged frog, steelhead trout, and marbled murrelet. By protecting these lands from development and nurturing a healthy watershed, we protect the environment and help ensure a high-quality water supply.

The SFPUC regularly collects and tests drinking water at designated sampling points throughout San Francisco. On average, the SFPUC tests its drinking water more than 250 times a day. Licensed engineers and certified operators evaluate water for contaminants, including microbes, copper, lead, and disinfection byproducts. Once again, the SFPUC’s drinking water met or surpassed all federal and state requirements for these contaminants.
In addition, the SFPUC also conducted testing for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, known as PFAS. These human-made, persistent chemicals are used in a variety of industries and consumer products, including nonstick cookware, stain resistant clothing, and firefighting foam. They are sometimes referred to as “forever chemicals” because components of them break down very slowly over time.
After four consecutive quarters of monitoring at designated locations approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the SFPUC did not detect PFAS in our water.
The SFPUC recently mailed San Francisco customers a postcard link to the 12-page 2023 Water Quality Report. Learn more about the SFPUC’s tap water.
About the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission is a department of the City and County of San Francisco. It delivers drinking water to 2.7 million people in the Bay Area, collects and treats wastewater for the City and County of San Francisco, and meets over 70 percent of the electricity demand in San Francisco. Our mission is to provide our customers with high-quality, efficient, and reliable water, power, and sewer services in a manner that values environmental and community interests and sustains the resources entrusted to our care. Learn more at