“Asian American, Native Hawaiian, & Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month is a time to recognize and reflect on the many AANHPI individuals who have made and are currently making positive contributions to society and our culture.”
Celebrating AANHPI Heritage Month
In May, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) celebrates the rich cultures and contributions of the AANHPI communities. As an Assistant Engineer within the SFPUC’s Water Quality Division, Matthew Jeung plays a critical role in delivering high-quality water to SFPUC customers.

As a child growing up in San Francisco, Matthew always knew San Francisco had great drinking water. Now as a water professional and water quality engineer, he fully appreciates the many actions and people that contribute to the success of the SFPUC. “As a San Francisco native, I am grateful and proud to be a part of the SFPUC. I am truly so fortunate and honored to be part of this amazing team,” he proudly said.
Matthew’s parents were the first in their generation to go to college. “They met in the City College of San Francisco Bowling League,” he said with a smile. His parents laid down roots and happily prospered as American Born Chinese living in the Bay Area.
Matthew takes pride in celebrating AANHPI Heritage Month and shares what this month means to him and his family. “As an Asian American, I reflect on the journey that my grandparents made as they immigrated to the US during the Great Depression and World War II. They settled in San Francisco, which required great sacrifices, perseverance, and hard work,” he explained. “AANHPI Heritage Month is a time to reflect on and be proud of the many diverse backgrounds, communities, and cultures of AANHPI people and to find pride and strength through this amazing diversity.”
Diversity is the Key to Success
Before joining the SFPUC in 2021, Matthew worked extensively with water systems throughout rural, suburban, and urban California. He also worked abroad in Kenya and Uganda with Engineers Without Border, showing him that the diversity of the people that work at the SFPUC make it truly special. “AANHPI people and others of all backgrounds have a lot to offer to the utilities industry, such as resourcefulness, a hard-working mindset, perseverance, and a diverse array of talents,” he explained. “Family, community and helping others are key values for many of us, and by working for a utility, we can all provide and support these helpful traits within our communities and the utilities industry.”
When asked what advice he would give to young AANHPI students looking to start a career in the utilities industry, Matthew recommends looking into internship opportunities at utilities and going to utility job fairs. “As you’re starting out, don’t be afraid to try new tasks and jobs and don’t be discouraged if you figure out that a specific job isn’t for you. These are all the steps in learning what job is the right fit for you,” he explained. “Remember that you should just be yourself, be confident in your skills and your ability to learn and grow, try your best and have fun along the journey!”

A Runner’s Mind
Outside of work, Matthew says his favorite activity is running, which has helped him a lot in life. He started running when he was seven years old at the San Francisco Bay to Breakers. He ran his first marathon in 2008. In total, he has run 22 marathons and 6 ultramarathons! When he moved back to San Francisco in 2017, he joined the largest San Francisco running club, the San Francisco Road Runners Club. He became club President to welcome runners of all backgrounds and support and build community. “Through running, I support my mental and physical well-being, serve the running community through volunteering, explore the outdoors, make friends, and appreciate the wonderful Bay Area.”