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Biosolids Project Earns National Safety Award

Biosolids Project Earns National Safety Award
  • Heidi Anderson

With 600,000 hours worked on the site last year, the Biosolids Digester Facilities Project has earned the Occupational Excellence Achievement Award from the National Safety Council. “This is a really big deal for us,” said Biosolids Project Safety Manager Jorge Torres. “Our safety performance really has been outstanding. We’re thrilled to be recognized for it.”

The criteria are high to earn the annual award given by the National Safety Council. It includes having a ‘lost workday’ case incident rate better than or equal to 50% of the Bureau of Labor’s statistics rating for North American Industry Classification System code, and zero fatalities during the calendar year.

When asked how the Biosolids Project maintains such an outstanding record, Torres said, “This award was earned by everyone – whether they attended a safety walk, or noticed something and spoke up, if they posted an observation on the safety portal, or even just reminded someone to put their safety glasses on.” He added, “This is something tangible for us. It’ll help us keep striving to do even better – but also to continue this level of excellence each year.”

Construction of the Biosolids Digester Facilities Project is at the Southeast Treatment Plant in San Francisco’s Bayview neighborhood, where 80% of the City’s storm and wastewater is treated. The Biosolids construction is a multi-billion-dollar project replacing and relocating the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission's (SFPUC) outdated existing solids treatment facilities with more reliable, efficient, and modern technologies and facilities.

“I can tell you that they earned this award by tenaciously adhering to our strong safety principles” said Safety Program Manager Ernie Schulze. 

Ryan Cayabyab, Construction Manager for the Biosolids Program, welcomed the news. “We have a very strong commitment to safety culture on the Biosolids project,” said Cayabyab. “I’ve always had confidence in the team!”

SFPUC Assistant General Manager for Infrastructure Stephen Robinson noted that the award recognizes the day-to-day importance of safety.  “Thanks for keeping us all safe and allowing everyone to go home after the workday.”

SFPUC’s Construction Management Bureau Manager Algy Collymore noted the achievement. “We want to congratulate the Safety Program and the entire team for continuing to work safely and efficiently. This award highlights the benefits of the City’s focus on safety through the pre-bid Contractor Safety Evaluation process and selecting contractors with a track record of working safely. Well done!”